The unfortunate TJ of the day thread

Who in their right mind would put rubber bands on a TJ, or any Jeep for that matter? Also the mirrors, what in the heck is up with those?
Just so much wrong here…
Who in their right mind would put rubber bands on a TJ, or any Jeep for that matter? Also the mirrors, what in the heck is up with those?
Just so much wrong here…
View attachment 577549

Why do I sense another thread coming where the OP can’t understand why his rig rides rough?

And what is this thing about carrying rims without a tire? I’ve now seen that several times.

Ohh, and that Jeep is NOT yellow, just sayin’… 🙂
And what is this thing about carrying rims without a tire? I’ve now seen that several times.
You mean like this?


This was a week or two after I purchased it. The completely rotted out spare was on a rusty non-matching wheel, so that got tossed, and I ordered a matching wheel, seen here. It was like that for a day or 3 until I could find a used tire for a spare. Bought an ugly old GoodYear that turned out to be a better tire than the Coopers that were on the ground. I didn't expect to ever put the GoodYear on the ground, but I did a couple of times.