Novak Conversions Jeep Wrangler TJ engine mounts

Washer bottle recommendations for edge case


New Member
Original poster
Feb 19, 2017
Portland, OR, United States
I have done some extensive modifications to engine bay of my 2002 TJ. Still have the stock 4.0 with AC, but I have done the following...

- high lined the stock fenders. (which if you're familiar eliminates the stock washer bottle.) So I have even less under hood space than normal.
- routed the intake into the cowl with a Buick airbox.
- modified the PCM to utilize all unused relay locations which included an auxiliary fuse panel where the stock airbox used to be.
- added a York 210 OBA system using a Kilby bracket which moved the alternator lower to fit the compressor above it.
- components to the air system are in the driver side fender well where the old Abs tray used to sit, which includes a 1 gallon tank. manifold, regulator, pressure switch, and pressure gauge.
- installed a premier power welder system which required modifying the Kilby bracket to fit the high output alternator. PPW control box is mounted where the stock washer bottle and horn used to be. ( i don't have a horn now either, but that's easier to fix)

As of now I have been without a washer bottle for a couple of years and it's getting old. I have identified two possible locations for a washer bottle.
1) using a long neck washer bottle and putting it below the air system components in the drives side fender well. There is a fairly decent sized empty space under there. I've searched around and something like this might work.. although i can't find actual dimension of the bottle. Alternately, I could lose the 1 gallon tank to pick up more room there, as I've recently installed a 3 gallon tank under the jeep. So a tall skinny bottle might work if anyone know of one from a production car.
2) top dead center of the engine bay mounted to the underside of the hood. this would be to the left of the throttle body, above the valve cover where the rear PCV valve is, and to the right of where my intake enters the cowl. Problem with this location is heat, along with being able to fill the bottle with the hood open and not have it leak out a cap when the hood is closed, or slosh around and pop a cap open. would need a screw on lid. Something aluminum would look cherry.

Does anyone know about washer bottles?
I bought one on Amazon and moved mine to the ABS tray when I installed a couple VIAIRs. No long neck or heat resistant...what about under the cowl?


under the cowl? as in have the take the cowl off to fill the bottle? maybe I'm not following you. I'd never fill it.

you know how sometimes you get brain lock? it never occurred to me the search for "aluminum" washer bottle... DUR... only searched for washer bottle and got only plastic ones. I'm seeing a couple aluminum ones that have possibilities.
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I am using Dorman 603-001. Its a "coolant reservoir", no idea on capacity. It comes with a nipple on the bottom that I simply cut off and drilled out to fit my OE washer pump. 6 years later and it does not leak. I think I paid like $10 if not less for this.

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Novak Conversions Jeep Wrangler TJ engine mounts