Novak Conversions Jeep Wrangler TJ engine mounts

What spare sensors and relays should I have?


TJ Enthusiast
Original poster
Oct 30, 2016
Middle of Colorado
With my Jeep now being 20 years old, and finding parts getting harder and harder, and all the threads of Jeeps "dyeing" with or without a code......

I'm wondering if a guy shouldn't buy some sensors and relays now even if there isn't a problem at the moment. I watched a youtube video of a guy doing exactly that...collecting spares and keeping them on hand. He stated having just a few of them could mean the difference between being camped on the side of the road and getting home because some of them just make the jeep stop running.

My search didn't reveal a thread on this...if there is one please post a link.

I would like your recommendations for what ones to buy or even pick from a pull your own part junkyard if you can find them. As a better to have and not need yet...but may need in the future.
I keep the following on my rig only because I have needed them all before. Shouldn't need them again now that I have them.
A spare PCM if it is an 05-06 is not a bad idea.

A cam or crank position sensor can leave you stranded the fastest.

All 02 sensors ultimately fail- they are due to be replaced about every 80,000 miles

If its an auto you need a spare plastic shift linkage end retainer bushing or 2 in the glovebox.
You can't plan on what might go bad and keep a spare one in your Jeep. When something goes bad, there's plenty of good replacements. I buy NTK or Mopar sensors when/if I need them. Never had an issue getting them.
Since purchasing the '01 I started a spare parts cabinet and with the availability of some OEM Mopar parts becoming scarce; I continue to purchase them when the OEM Mopar parts turn up.
New OEM Mopar radiator (still in the box), alternator, fuel pump, CPS, CKPS, IAC, TPS, coolant temperature sensor, A/C controls with vacuum lines, A/C ventilation fan, motor and transmission mounts; are to name just some of what I have on hand.
Glad I'm not the only one thinking this. Thanks for the replies so far. I'll be on the hunt for some of the ones mentioned to have on the shelf. My Jeep is over 165K now and I have no idea what has been maintained. Of course I know what I have been maintaining. I just know some of these things will come up at some point as well.
I have had 2 rotor buttons fly apart on me. I purchased an extra one and now it's in my Glove compartment. Guaranteed it will never happen again now. Kind of like the starter solenoid in my 78 CJ5 I'd go wheeling and get sideways on a hill and the carb wouldn't have enough gas. Crank it too much and it would ruin the solenoid. easy to jumper but, I bought a spare one and threw it in my glove compartment. Never happened again. :)
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A spare PCM if it is an 05-06 is not a bad idea.

A cam or crank position sensor can leave you stranded the fastest.

All 02 sensors ultimately fail- they are due to be replaced about every 80,000 miles

If its an auto you need a spare plastic shift linkage end retainer bushing or 2 in the glovebox.

Also if you have not converted to a cable transfer case shifter (On my todo list) keep a pack of the stupid little green bushings in the glove box..... The original one finally went out on me while wheeling in the dirt.
My jeep was stuck in 4Low until I was able to crawl underneath and move the linkage by hand.

Crown PN 53004810.
Novak Conversions Jeep Wrangler TJ engine mounts