What the duck?

C.J. Roberts

TJ Addict
Original poster
Jan 26, 2017
Tucson, AZ, United States
I've read Duck threads here, but I'm not sure of how it got started. Some seem to say that it's calling the recipient a Mall Crawler, and some act like it's more of a Jeep Wave. And I've read on some threads where it seems like a Running Gag between Jeepers.
I got a duck the other day, and I don't know whether to be grateful or insulted.
A little edumacation please.
I've read Duck threads here, but I'm not sure of how it got started. Some seem to say that it's calling the recipient a Mall Crawler, and some act like it's more of a Jeep Wave. And I've read on some threads where it seems like a Running Gag between Jeepers.
I got a duck the other day, and I don't know whether to be grateful or insulted.
A little edumacation please.

Ducking is wonderful. It is a great way to show appreciation of a fine looking rig, and the recipient should be flattered by the thoughtfulness demonstrated by the ducker. You should be grateful, very grateful…

(Get ready, here it comes….😬)
I've read Duck threads here, but I'm not sure of how it got started. Some seem to say that it's calling the recipient a Mall Crawler, and some act like it's more of a Jeep Wave. And I've read on some threads where it seems like a Running Gag between Jeepers.
I got a duck the other day, and I don't know whether to be grateful or insulted.
A little edumacation please.

I’m sure the ducker didn’t mean to insult you, but how you respond to it is up to you.

I’m not a ducker. I actually have things to do.
Ducking is wonderful. It is a great way to show appreciation of a fine looking rig, and the recipient should be flattered by the thoughtfulness demonstrated by the ducker. You should be grateful, very grateful…

(Get ready, here it comes….😬)

Now I don't know if you're serious or not! lol

Either way, to each his own, I'm not into it but if they enjoy it, it's really a harmless action.

I've seen videos of people throwing the ducks off their vehicles, don't be that guy! Don't litter, you can always throw it in the trash later. For me, I have a toddler, so they can just go in the tub toys!
I have been "Ducked" and I'm guessing it must be from the people with 40 or 50 of them on their dash.

Always new stock JLs or JTs, they're a dime a dozen. They just bought the Jeep and adopted it as their personality and fill the dash to let others know. It just signals to me that they spent way too much time and effort figuring out how to secure all those ducks or they never take the doors off.

All-in-all whether you pass them out, pass it along, or throw them in a bucket with final fate tbd like I do, or think it's stupid, or think it's fun, or whatever- the person that put it on your Jeep liked your Jeep. It's a compliment, so at least take it for that.
Ducking is wonderful. It is a great way to show appreciation of a fine looking rig, and the recipient should be flattered by the thoughtfulness demonstrated by the ducker. You should be grateful, very grateful…

It's a compliment, so at least take it for that.
I'm going to take it as a compliment. As I initially said, a Jeep Wave type of recognition.
Some of you guys don't seem to agree, but unless I somehow find out that the Ducker didn't mean it that way, I'll be happy getting Ducked. I may even start passing them out.
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