So this came up on the OME thread, and I've seen it for some other brands too, so now I'm curious if more experienced people know.
What is a 2.5" lift, really? Every place you go, you see them selling 2.5" lift kits or 4" lift kits. But in reality, they're almost always closer to <2" and ~3". Some people report even less. What gives? Obviously, there's variance for loading. We don't need to go through all that, I understand that heavy jeeps won't get the same lift from the same spring as a light jeep. But it seems to me that even with the lightest vehicle, there is no way you're actually getting 2.5" from what is being sold as a "2.5 inch lift kit".
Why not just sell them as 2" kits? Is the 1/2 inch really that big of a marketing pull? It's across the board too, all retailers and brands use these convention.
What is a 2.5" lift, really? Every place you go, you see them selling 2.5" lift kits or 4" lift kits. But in reality, they're almost always closer to <2" and ~3". Some people report even less. What gives? Obviously, there's variance for loading. We don't need to go through all that, I understand that heavy jeeps won't get the same lift from the same spring as a light jeep. But it seems to me that even with the lightest vehicle, there is no way you're actually getting 2.5" from what is being sold as a "2.5 inch lift kit".
Why not just sell them as 2" kits? Is the 1/2 inch really that big of a marketing pull? It's across the board too, all retailers and brands use these convention.