as ive posted before - i am bringing my jeep from a 4inch heel size to a STOCK size
I have the aluminum American racing rims on it now
this info copied off the rims
other than 15x8 i have NO clue Yes id like to buy a clue
or three
I have the Dumbo Flairs on it also to pass inspection and keep the cops off me
I go to 30 or 31inch tires with the STOCK undergarments and THESE rims ( INSTEAD of the original Steel 15x7 rims/original flairs )
am i going to look STUPID?
Picture shows it as it is now with the 4inch lift
Im getting all my parts and pieces together in advance along with INFO from you all
thank you very much
I have the aluminum American racing rims on it now
this info copied off the rims
other than 15x8 i have NO clue Yes id like to buy a clue

I have the Dumbo Flairs on it also to pass inspection and keep the cops off me
I go to 30 or 31inch tires with the STOCK undergarments and THESE rims ( INSTEAD of the original Steel 15x7 rims/original flairs )
am i going to look STUPID?
Picture shows it as it is now with the 4inch lift
Im getting all my parts and pieces together in advance along with INFO from you all
thank you very much