GMRS = is there a standard hailing frequency?


TJ Enthusiast
Lifetime Supporting Member
Feb 4, 2022
varies every few weeks
I passed my HAM, Technician license at Quartzfest on Wednesday January 24th, and went back on Friday and got my General License on the 26th

Anyway, we got a TYT-TH-7900 VHF/UHF radio. Put a CA-2x4SR antenna on the jeep, but we can 'jail break' the radio to receive and send GMRS ( which is why we got the TYT). I was just wondering if their is a general hailing frequency, like channel 19 on CB, or Channel 16 for marine radio. Just in case we're out wheeling in the desert by ourselves and something breaks and we need help and there is no phone signal.

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When traveling, I monitor 146.520 on 2 meter . I'm also on 40 meters while traveling in the motorhome . 40 meters works well mobile . At home we use 75 meters between 7 and 9 am .
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. . . I was just wondering if their [sic] is a general hailing frequency. . . .

2m Ham 146.520 MHz

70cm Ham 446.000 MHz

GMRS Channel 20 (462.675 MHz) for emergencies, sometimes called a "travel" channel using PL 141.3 Hz, but no
universally recognized "calling" or "hailing" channel.

CB Channels 4 and 16 for offroaders, Channel 9 for emergencies, Channels 18 and 19 for truckers.


2m Ham 146.520 MHz

70cm Ham 446.000 MHz

GMRS Channel 20 (462.675 MHz) for emergencies, sometimes called a "travel" channel using PL 141.3 Hz, but no
universally recognized "calling" or "hailing" channel.

CB Channels 4 and 16 for offroaders, Channel 9 for emergencies, Channels 18 and 19 for truckers.



And CB 13 for RVers, or at least used to be. I've heard 146.460 as an unofficial 4x4 freq. Of course channel 16 is the Maritime Radio Service calling freq - and that's "official"!