I am glad I own a TJ

One think I am noticing about comments about driving til the wheels fall off is that most/all are not in the rust belt... At any rate, I am trying to do the same....

Life dealt me a stint in Michigan. I noticed those that cared about such things had a winter car ( a real beater) and a summer car.
I have zero interest in any of these apps. Felt that way prior to the documentary, but that sealed it for me.

A few forums and the 'tube are my only social media. I never had any interest in the other stuff, and I grew up with myspace and fbook. I will say, people my age or younger tend to think that's weird on its face. What documentary are you talking about?
I'm sure they're out there, but I don't know anyone under 60 who hits all three of these. :confused:

Not intended as a brag, but maybe to give you some hope, the wife and I pretty well fit that. Mid 30s, never had a credit card, we drive older vehicles in good condition bought with cash, and our only reoccurring payment is a fixed mortgage (house) that is well under 50% LTV. I have a friend or two in a similar situation, but we are the minority.
We are so much alike. My wife beater is the most expensive shirt I own.


Not intended as a brag, but maybe to give you some hope, the wife and I pretty well fit that. Mid 30s, never had a credit card, we drive older vehicles in good condition bought with cash, and our only reoccurring payment is a fixed mortgage (house) that is well under 50% LTV. I have a friend or two in a similar situation, but we are the minority.

The bottom line is that you and the wife are Happy and grateful with what you have. Money does not buy happiness or health. What it does buy is independence.
I have zero interest in any of these apps. Felt that way prior to the documentary, but that sealed it for me. My 21 year old daughter is entrenched in all of them. So much so that making a phone call to someone is considered "weird". I look at her and shudder thinking what they are inflicting on her brain.

Only exception for me is Marketplace and that's on a thin ice right now.

Many of them *are* "apps", only available on smartphones - which is fine by me, they can stay there. The rest of them can be accessed on the web as well. I don't see the sense of communicating via "What'sUp" as a for instance. Why do you need a 3rd party involved with your comms - send an email or even a text. But billions do it every day - its so bad that PayPal offered to 2FA me via "What'sUp". Why would I want ANYTHING to do with my finances or 2FA to be run through or connected to that site or any other "Social Media"? Sounds like a HUGE security risk to me! Making it worse, "What'sUp" requires a PHOOOOOONNE - even if you use it on the web, a PHOOOOOONNE must be registered first, and the web version is crippled (I just looked it up). Since I don't have a PHOOOOOONNE, this nonsense is outside of my world and I'm happy to let it stay there.
A few forums and the 'tube are my only social media. I never had any interest in the other stuff, and I grew up with myspace and fbook. I will say, people my age or younger tend to think that's weird on its face. What documentary are you talking about?

Same here.. YouTube and a few forums are all I use. No WhatsApp, Instagram, Snap or any of that crap.

Documentary.. The Social Dilemma.
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I'm on a shit ton of forums, which are the spiritual successor to the old dialup BBSes and RCP/Ms of the late 70s and 80s. I don't consider them to be "Social Media" - a term which I only recall hearing sometime post 2010 or so. I know a lot of people consider yootoob to be social media. "Maybe" - to me its a video sharing/hosting site, I host my videos there so I don't have to deal with all the technological issues with hosting them myself. I didn't start out to create a "channel", although I recently passed 400 subscribers. I'm still unclear exactly what subscribing does. They used to send you an email when one of your subscribed channels posted a new video, but they don't anymore so what good is it (subscribing)?
I don't see the sense of communicating via "What'sUp" as a for instance.
I do a lot of international travel, Whats Ap is great for that. I can talk to friends anywhere in the world same as I could normally text someone minus the international fees. For my work social media is unfortunately mandatory. Free advertising and it's where my client base is. The day I retire it all gets shut down. First thing I do hiring is "google" my potential artist. If they have no online presence I don't want them working with me
I'm on a shit ton of forums, which are the spiritual successor to the old dialup BBSes and RCP/Ms of the late 70s and 80s. I don't consider them to be "Social Media" - a term which I only recall hearing sometime post 2010 or so. I know a lot of people consider yootoob to be social media. "Maybe" - to me its a video sharing/hosting site, I host my videos there so I don't have to deal with all the technological issues with hosting them myself. I didn't start out to create a "channel", although I recently passed 400 subscribers. I'm still unclear exactly what subscribing does. They used to send you an email when one of your subscribed channels posted a new video, but they don't anymore so what good is it (subscribing)?

I always thought forums were social media, assumed really, but never actually looked at the definition until two seconds ago:

"websites and applications that enable users to create and share content or to participate in social networking."

Pretty sure that's what's happening here.

The other forums I've been on in my life have primarily been bbq related, besides all the off topic shit there was certainly creation of content in the form of recipes/methods/pit builds and so forth, and the social networking was even bigger, I've been to countless bbq festivals & made some life long friends all stemming from those forums.

The TJ forum essentially serves the same purposes. Every build thread is 'content' & how many friendships have developed here over the years where we've gotten together wheeling & whatnot...

I think social media, the term itself, has become a 4 letter word to many because of how the big players in the business have stunk up the joint so much, but I think a lot of good has come of it as well, this particular site for example.

I do a lot of international travel, Whats Ap is great for that.

as for Whats Ap, unless I'm unaware of a whole bunch of its functions it looks like nothing more than a method of texting. Years ago my buddy in Jamaica (driver turned buddy) suggested I get it to communicate with him as his email is less reliable and has access issues from time to time. I installed it & for years have had one contact in it, him, until a few weeks ago when another buddy announced he quit his job, sold his house & all his shit, bought a penthouse in Medellin Columbia & he is outa here, so now I have 2 contacts :ROFLMAO:

So for that reason I don't see how that Ap is 'social media', more or less it's a free international phone type device
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For my work social media is unfortunately mandatory.

Tattoo shop, right? If so, I'd bet a strong social media presence is 95% of your new business. One of my neighbors owns a motorcycle shop, he's constantly on his phone, and he told me about 90% of his customers find him on fbook. He told me when he started out 30 some years ago it was all about being at the events, and that was a lot of fun. Now it's all online and it's constant, he hates that.
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