Car pics too cool not to share






Beautiful '67! And I approve of the modern take on the classic Pontiac wheels. Aluminum 17" still looks good. Once they start going beyond 17", I start losing interest. Those might be 18", but I think they're likely 17" wheels. Nice car!
Beautiful '67! And I approve of the modern take on the classic Pontiac wheels. Aluminum 17" still looks good. Once they start going beyond 17", I start losing interest. Those might be 18", but I think they're likely 17" wheels. Nice car!

I believe they were 17”. I saw the car briefly and loved it (my wife and I may have to add one at some point). Fortunately my buddy was able to get photos of it for me.
Ok, this has to be the coolest way to start a bike or hot rod. Impractical, 100%, but no one will start it up and drive away on their own, so like a stick shift it’s an anti theft device too. ;)

I once saw a WWII tank started this way. I think they said it had a 120lb flywheel spinning around.