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    • Esperado
      Esperado replied to the thread Considering a Wrangler.
      yeah, i'm thinking 8k is about my ceiling based on photos.
    • Esperado
      Esperado replied to the thread Considering a Wrangler.
      yeah, its a guy from my church, and i'll be glad to help him out :)
    • Esperado
      Esperado replied to the thread Considering a Wrangler.
      savannah, i've been here about a year, and enjoying it so far! i'm from central florida originally, so it feels pretty close to home...
    • Esperado
      Esperado replied to the thread Considering a Wrangler.
      Thanks for the tips! Yeah, the Golf isn't bad, but I don't love it. I got it new in 2014 and I've had it for about 10 years now, it got...
    • Esperado
      I've been wanting to get rid of my VW Golf for a while now and get something I can enjoy driving and learn to work on at home, and I...
      • 1-driver-side.png
      • 2-passenger-side.png
      • 3-front-bumper.png
      • 4-rear-bumper.png
      • 5-windshield.png
      • 6-front-seat.png
      • 7-dash.png
      • 8-mileage.png
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