Recent content by Jneal102010

  1. Jneal102010

    Door adjustment failed

    That looks really good. I’ll have to look some more around the roll bar. I had to leave for a couple weeks so I’ll check that out. I was hesitant on the spacers due to the top not fitting after that. Thank you
  2. Jneal102010

    Door adjustment failed

    So i only adjusted one door using the hinge bolts. Then i noticed the roll bar extension. So the picture is the stock roll bar extended All the way forward. And im still running into gapping issues
  3. Jneal102010

    Door adjustment failed

    I had some issues fitting full doors on my TJ. Tried loosening the hinge bolts on the door. That made a very minimal improvement given that the latch can only move so far. And i also adjusted the roll bar to push forward more. Im still running into gapping issued and the door is still hitting...
  4. Jneal102010

    Full doors don't fit

    I was thinking that but was thinking it may have been something else
  5. Jneal102010

    Full doors don't fit

    I just bought some full doors and they do not fit the angle of the windshield when i shut the door. Are there adjustments i can make or wrong door?