Weather Conditions in Florida


TJ Enthusiast
Dec 10, 2015
Zephyrhills, FL
Just thought I'd post this so my northern friends know we get icy roads as well.
Thanks Zhillslady! This is what we woke up to this in the Jeep though...but not 15" either, darn it!
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I guess that's like when I lived in Arizona. Although even in Arizona this time of year it was usually hovering around 70, not 90 degrees!
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Did you watch the shoot-out for KOH on Monday night? 30 mph winds, temp was 21 degrees at 7 pm. I'm glad I stayed home.
I had a couple friends that almost convinced me to go, but I already took time off for TDS in a few weeks.

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We're supposed to be in the 70s and last week we had 85 but now it's 40. I actually put the rear windows in the jeep cause we were supposed to have icy wind gusts up to 35 mph. Never saw those.
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