Bonehead SSSYE "Install" Mistake


Supporting Member
Mar 14, 2023
Los Angeles, CA
I recently went from an AA SYE to a JB SS SYE. I got my lengthened driveshaft back from Tom Wood's just before lunch and excitedly installed it on the Jeep.

Mistake number 1, I never put my speed sensor in.
Mistake number 2, I never removed the retaining screw for the speed sensor.

Let's get it out there if anyone stops by this thread and doesn't want to keep reading. STEP ONE! REMOVE SPEEED SENSOR RETAINING SCREW FROM TAIL HOUSING BEFORE INSTALLATION!

I removed the simplest part of this install, the finger loosened retaining screw for the speed sensor. Well, the area is cramped and for whatever reason, my hand bumped into the tub, and ploop, right INSIDE the speed sensor hole in the housing. I nearly threw up. From moments from a test drive, to coming here for help.

I tried to get my endoscope in there, but the clearance is too small. Same issue with a small grabber. I also taped a magnet to a piece of welding wire, and while I could get in there pretty good, it was blind fishing. And even then, I doubt I could actually extract it.

So, is it possible for me to just drain it, remove driveshaft, remove rear yoke, remove 5 bolts, break RTV seal and just remove the back tail housing? I don't recall if I am going to be able to pull this off without messing with the oil pump. Or, does anyone have any other suggestions!?


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Man that sucks!! I would spend more time trying to fish it out. Worst case scenario I think you're plan is solid and it shouldn't affect the oil pump since you aren't taking the back half of the case loose..good luck
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Roll the Jeep upside down and shake? :p

The oil pump should stay in place. The SSSYE keeps it in place, but it just sits there on the shaft, so as long as you don't pull it back the shaft and the oil pickup tube should keep it in place.

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Thanks for the replies. I could not remember if the oil pump caught part of the tail housing or not. I recall it sliding off when I pulled it off, but I am also incredibly frustrated.

Here I was going to do the 12k mile service on my Triumph next. I hear horror stories of dropping a shim inside the engine, and now I am scarred for life! I know I'll have the yips and drop one in there!