Anybody up for a random meme dump?


That's pretty easy. Here are a few more:

Had a telephone party line
Drove a stick until your 20s, or 30s
Grew up without A/C
Owned a tape recorder/player with actual tape reels, pre-cassette
Visited / worked on a farm for at least one summer
Owned at least one decoder ring
Took a real train to go somewhere
Mowed the grass with a push mower (no engine)
Had three, or less, TV channels
Went to a circus
Knew and programmed in any computer assembly language
Knows what a Hollerith card is
Used paper tape for program storage
Has actually seen 'core' memory
Has flown in a propellor driven passenger airliner
That's pretty easy. Here are a few more:

Had a telephone party line
Drove a stick until your 20s, or 30s
Grew up without A/C
Owned a tape recorder/player with actual tape reels, pre-cassette
Visited / worked on a farm for at least one summer
Owned at least one decoder ring
Took a real train to go somewhere
Mowed the grass with a push mower (no engine)
Had three, or less, TV channels
Went to a circus
Knew and programmed in any computer assembly language
Knows what a Hollerith card is
Used paper tape for program storage
Has actually seen 'core' memory
Has flown in a propellor driven passenger airliner

I learned Fortran in 2000
I grew up on a farm. We had 3 channels and only one normally worked because we didn't have a fancy rotating motor on our yagi antenna. TV watching was basically weather limited.

But I was outside or sleeping most of the time.
Had a telephone party line - no, but my grandparents did
Drove a stick until your 20s, or 30s - never stopped (3 of my 4 cars are MTs)
Grew up without A/C - yes
Owned a tape recorder/player with actual tape reels, pre-cassette - you must have been rich!
Visited / worked on a farm for at least one summer - yes, every summer bailing hay
Owned at least one decoder ring - nope
Took a real train to go somewhere - you got to go somewhere? Like I said, you were rich!
Mowed the grass with a push mower (no engine) - yes
Had three, or less, TV channels - we had four, but PBS on UHF sucked
Went to a circus - enough already. We get it - you were rich! :ROFLMAO:
Knew and programmed in any computer assembly language - nope. Never had time (or need) to understand it. Learned BASIC on an Apple II in 1980.
Learned FORTRAN - see previous post
Knows what a Hollerith card is - yes, but not by name or because I used them as intended. We called them punch cards and used them for note-taking because when I started college, they had shiny new text terminals on the VAX, but stacks and stacks of punch cards.
Used paper tape for program storage - nope, but my first computer used a cassette (TI 99/4A)
Has actually seen 'core' memory - nope
Has flown in a propellor driven passenger airliner - too many times to count, but they (turbo props, anyway) were still pretty common at the start of this millennium
That's pretty easy. Here are a few more:

Had a telephone party line - yes, when I was very young
Drove a stick until your 20s, or 30s - I'm in my 60s, and 2 of my 3 vehicles are sticks...
Grew up without A/C - yep, but it wasn't needed where I grew up.
Owned a tape recorder/player with actual tape reels, pre-cassette - yes, but they were 3 inch reels.
Visited / worked on a farm for at least one summer - grew up in the country, farms all around.
Owned at least one decoder ring - no
Took a real train to go somewhere - yes
Mowed the grass with a push mower (no engine) - not until last week. I vaguely remember my parents had one.
Had three, or less, TV channels - 2 at first, then one morning I found a new one on that weird UHF dial.
Went to a circus - no
Knew and programmed in any computer assembly language - made my living writing assembly language for a decade.
Learned FORTRAN - messed with it a bit.
Knows what a Hollerith card is - punching "Star Wars" was a thing when I was in college.
Used paper tape for program storage - ASR-33 baby!
Has actually seen 'core' memory - if you X-Y a low DC voltage, core memory will smoke at the intersections!
Has flown in a propeller driven passenger airliner - several times - "puddle jumpers".