Nerf bars removed - what to do about backing / stud plates


TJ Enthusiast
May 27, 2019
I posted this in my build thread, but I doubt I'll get any traction there:

Removed nerf bars, leaving these backing plates that appear to be inaccessible from inside the tub.


The holes in the bottom of the body are sufficiently large that I don’t want to just leave them as is. There’s no rust and I want to keep it that way, so… I was thinking I’d cut and drill some aluminum stock, then install cover plates over all of them with new hardware, then cut the bolts short? Maybe make an RTV sandwich. Is there a better way?
Any ideas? Thanks.
The end is open, why not a magnet?
The end of the tub? Do you think I can chase a magnet down to each of these from the front or back? I’ll have to look closer. If I’m able to do that… I’d end up with eight empty holes in the bottom of your tub. Do all, or any, other TJs have these holes right next to each body mount?
If they went in, they should come out.
I agree with you there.
I've had luck using a strong magnet to "drag" the bolt/nut/whatever I've dropped towards a drain hole for easier extraction.
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If it’s me, I’d run a weld bead around the bolts, and then cut them flush and flap disk them flat. No need to retrieve the bolts, and a nice finished result. Done right you will never know they were there.

Do you weld?
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If it’s me, I’d run a weld bead around the bolts, and then cut them flush and flap disk them flat. No need to retrieve the bolts, and a nice finished result. Done right you will never know they were there.
Do you weld?
Unfortunately, no. It's something I've been meaning to learn.

Closest thing to that I can get would be grinding the studs short, pushing the plate up into the body and then using body plugs/RTV to fill the holes.