Customer states there a rattling sound coming from under the hood

I was a snake man 20 years ago. The only monitors I've ever owned were the kind you fed electricity 😁

what state did you take those pics in? I don't think they are on LI? I know copperheads are.
Long Island? Nope. Timber rattlers are mainly along the Appalachian mountain range, but the southern lowland variation is called the Canebrake rattlesnake. Of all my rattlesnakes, I found the Timber to be the most defensive while my Eastern and Westerns Diamondbacks were well-fed lapdogs that would rarely rattle.
They are a few different places.. On the Appalachian Trail in NY and NJ. Can't remember the others.

Other than Ticks and Chiggers, we have nothing too offensive on Long Island.. other than the drivers.

I had it years ago (before the internet). They only live around 12 years. You have to get them just after they hatch, if you want to tame them. I've had water monitors, Black-throat and White-throat monitors, Dumerils (Brown rough neck). Tegus, Iguanas, Prehensile tailed Solomon Island skinks and others. This was my pride and joy "Sweetpea" that died not long ago too. My current wife was terrified of her and doesn't miss her.

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Is that the same animal in all the pics? That's crazy
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Is that the same animal in all the pics? That's crazy

Yes. She grew to 6' within 2 years. Their bite strength is unreal and painful. You have to pry the mouth open to get them to release. Like a little Pitbull with very sharp teeth.
Snakes I've seen on my property include a black racer, a rat snake, and copperheads. My kids found and kept a dekay's brown snake for a few hours yesterday and set it loose again in the mulch bed where they'd found it.

I take no issue with the non venomous but the copperheads usually find themselves at the business end of a shovel, one as recently as last weekend. My wife pushed the lawnmower over a big one on Saturday but it escaped into an overgrown area and I spent the next 2 hours clearing the grass and brush. Never found it, but I suspect it'll move on to a better habitat now that I've clear cut where he was at.

I had a pet turtle as a kid and now I'm the guy that will stop in the middle of a country road to move them out of the street. My wife brought one home once and I had to lecture her about their home range and had to go out and put it back where she found it.

The kids found this one yesterday, I guess it was sitting on these eggs but when I went to look it was off in the brush a few feet away.
Snakes I've seen on my property include a black racer, a rat snake, and copperheads. My kids found and kept a dekay's brown snake for a few hours yesterday and set it loose again in the mulch bed where they'd found it.

I take no issue with the non venomous but the copperheads usually find themselves at the business end of a shovel, one as recently as last weekend. My wife pushed the lawnmower over a big one on Saturday but it escaped into an overgrown area and I spent the next 2 hours clearing the grass and brush. Never found it, but I suspect it'll move on to a better habitat now that I've clear cut where he was at.

I had a pet turtle as a kid and now I'm the guy that will stop in the middle of a country road to move them out of the street. My wife brought one home once and I had to lecture her about their home range and had to go out and put it back where she found it.

The kids found this one yesterday, I guess it was sitting on these eggs but when I went to look it was off in the brush a few feet away.
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Same here. I always stop and put turtles back down by the creek