Are you kidding me? How is ___________ on TV?

Television programing is just one example of how I'm not the preferred demographic. It's frustrating to me when one's views don't match with Political (President, Senators, Congressmen), Social (Welfare, Religion, Minority Agenda), Economic (Taxation, Corporate Subsidies, Bankruptcy Laws), or many other "agendas".
lol, did I read that correctly?? You did not just call Fox news "moderate" I hope! It is as far right as CNN is left. BBC news would be considered "moderate".

I stopped watching news months ago, best thing I ever did.
Maybe I'm off my rocker, or far more conservative than them, even extremely conservative, but their choice of female news anchors and dress aren't very conservative.
Almost everything on TV made after 1975. TV was at its peak with the original King Kong and Godzilla movies. The news today is just bilious government propaganda. Being in a reality show should be a capital offense that calls for immediate public hanging on live TV to restore actual reality.
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Any news channel. Sorry, but the news is so slanted most of the time that I feel it's not reporting anything, it's more like programming you on what to think. Screw that noise...
This is true. The news isn't news anymore, it's sensationalism.

For instance... why am I alway hearing about this Stormy Daniels thing? How on earth is that news? That's nothing more than smut that the "news" is using as sensationalism they use to promote their agenda. I absolutely refuse to watch the "news".

Best answer! It's a cross between propaganda and sensationalism. At the top of the pyramid, the same elite money feeds Fox and CNN, and all the news outlets. It's just targeted propaganda for each specific audience to lead both flocks.

Here is one example...Rupert Murdoch from Fox wanted Shillary over the past couple elections.



Our tax dollars also are used to insert their propaganda into regular TV shows:

Here's another good piece of coordinated propaganda. Australian Prime Minister "John Howard" and Canadian Prime Minister "Stephen Harper" give the SAME speech on Iraq

George Carlin knew what was up in his American Dream skit. If you knew anything about the man, he was dead serious, not just a comedy routine.

Hopefully more people on both sides of the aisle and in the middle will wake up so we can take our world back from these psychopaths!

Maybe I'm off my rocker, or far more conservative than them, even extremely conservative, but their choice of female news anchors and dress aren't very conservative.
Fox News is far to the right conservative because of how they favor stories or portrayals of stories that paint Republicans or Trump in a good light. They put a lot of emphasis on stories that call out things that people on the left are doing wrong/badly. However, you're right that they don't necessarily adhere to a lot of conservative values when it comes to women. This is because, just like CNN, they favor sensationalism and grabbing viewer attention over any political bias. They know that sex sells and that the, uh, *aesthetics* of their female anchors are a big part of what can capture their audience's attention.

There's plenty of ways that CNN, ABC, and other liberal sensationalist news networks also don't live up to the true liberal values in similar ways, because they are very similar to Fox in that they know that at the end of the day, the only thing they *really* care about is keeping their viewers tuned in.
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Reactions: KMG the end of the day, the only thing they *really* care about is keeping their viewers tuned in.

True, but it's a quite bit more heinous than just money and viewership...its about keeping control of our thoughts, governments, wars my post above.
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Fox News is far to the right conservative because of how they favor stories or portrayals of stories that paint Republicans or Trump in a good light. They put a lot of emphasis on stories that call out things that people on the left are doing wrong/badly. However, you're right that they don't necessarily adhere to a lot of conservative values when it comes to women. This is because, just like CNN, they favor sensationalism and grabbing viewer attention over any political bias. They know that sex sells and that the, uh, *aesthetics* of their female anchors are a big part of what can capture their audience's attention.

There's plenty of ways that CNN, ABC, and other liberal sensationalist news networks also don't live up to the true liberal values in similar ways, because they are very similar to Fox in that they know that at the end of the day, the only thing they *really* care about is keeping their viewers tuned in.

Frankly, the media moguls won't permit anything but two basic ideologies to influence Americans. As an example, imagine the prominence of a 3rd party, on par with Republican and Democrat. It will never happen. Green Party, Tea Party, blah, blah, blah. The two-party system/ideology is entrenched and well-funded. But, as per @mots indicated in his post, the money is all coming from the same place. Republicans and Democrats are running to the same finish line, the Democrats are just running faster. So there really aren't opposing ideologies.

I've edited this post a number of times, I think I'm done now
Two things that really confuse me on TV:

1) I used to watch the X-games as a kid. I'm into snowboarding and skateboarding and stuff like that so it was cool to watch. I turned on the X-games a while back and people were sitting there playing Call of Duty... Don't know what thats about but the fact you can watch other people play video games on TV is a bit beyond me.

2) Might get some flack for this but Truck Night in America. Don't know if anyone here has watched it, but its the most ridiculous show based on off-roading I've seen in a while. I guess the over the top drama is what people want to see nowadays. I don't see the demographic for that show. People who go off-roading won't watch because it is all made up. People who don't go off-roading won't watch either because they don't care.
Frankly, the media moguls won't permit anything but two basic ideologies to influence Americans. As an example, imagine the prominence of a 3rd party, on par with Republican and Democrat. It will never happen. Green Party, Tea Party, blah, blah, blah. The two-party system/ideology is entrenched and well-funded. But, as per @mots indicated in his post, the money is all coming from the same place. Republicans and Democrats are running to the same finish line, the Democrats are just running faster. So there really aren't opposing ideologies.

I've edited this post a number of times, I think I'm done now

Well said JMT. I do hope people take the time to read my lengthy post and think about things for a bit...especially if they have leanings to one side or another. We were all stuck in the Matrix at one point, and it is not easy to get out (hence why this is my favorite movie of all time in that other thread!). One other point to make...through their (illegal) metadata collection (web search history, social media watchdogs etc.), they know who you are and how to target us specifically (just like ads). They know the exact pulse of the population and what we are collectively thinking at all times. They have algos that monitor and do deep research on this metadata with super computers (experts on the inside have admitted it and have gone public). They buy "Persona Management" software to create fake social media accounts to push and support their agenda. This is actually a job for many folks. They know if there will be a uprising before it happens and who will win elections days before (legally win, if they can't steal it without being obvious). The only way I see a 3rd party winning an election is if they HAVE TO co-opt a 3rd party to keep control. If there is ever an organic movement that is legit, they always try to co-opt and gain control, it's their MO and they have likely been doing this for 100's of years.
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I always chuckle a little when I browse through Hulu. Seinfeld has consistently been one of there most watched shows. Its last episode aired 20 years and 3 months ago today. Heck, even the Golden Girls is on the first page of their popular shows.
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I always chuckle a little when I browse through Hulu. Seinfeld has consistently been one of there most watched shows. Its last episode aired 20 years and 3 months ago today. Heck, even the Golden Girls is on the first page of their popular shows.

Ahhh, so true. But Seinfeld never gets old!
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Two things that really confuse me on TV:

1) I used to watch the X-games as a kid. I'm into snowboarding and skateboarding and stuff like that so it was cool to watch. I turned on the X-games a while back and people were sitting there playing Call of Duty... Don't know what thats about but the fact you can watch other people play video games on TV is a bit beyond me.

2) Might get some flack for this but Truck Night in America. Don't know if anyone here has watched it, but its the most ridiculous show based on off-roading I've seen in a while. I guess the over the top drama is what people want to see nowadays. I don't see the demographic for that show. People who go off-roading won't watch because it is all made up. People who don't go off-roading won't watch either because they don't care.

could not agree more on Truck night in America, ridiculous and full of made up drama.
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Two things that really confuse me on TV:

1) I used to watch the X-games as a kid. I'm into snowboarding and skateboarding and stuff like that so it was cool to watch. I turned on the X-games a while back and people were sitting there playing Call of Duty... Don't know what thats about but the fact you can watch other people play video games on TV is a bit beyond me.

2) Might get some flack for this but Truck Night in America. Don't know if anyone here has watched it, but its the most ridiculous show based on off-roading I've seen in a while. I guess the over the top drama is what people want to see nowadays. I don't see the demographic for that show. People who go off-roading won't watch because it is all made up. People who don't go off-roading won't watch either because they don't care.

Totally agree with both points. Tuck Night is a joke. The drama is all made up and scripted just like any reality show. They have to do that in order for people to stay interest (well, the sheeples at least). It’s beyond stupid though.
could not agree more on Truck night in America, ridiculous and full of made up drama.
Agree with you both about Truck Night. But I did watch every episode because, sadly, it was the best thing on.
I don't really watch tv. My wife watches some things on Netflix and I usually sit on the couch with her and scroll through the ipad doing things like this forum. The only shows I've enjoyed on TV is Forged (where they blacksmith stuff) and Bizzar Food (he does a great job of showing a glimpse into other cultures).

TV is trash and like all of you feel, 'news' is nothing more than anot her tv product to play on people emotions and fears and cause drama to keep people watching in order to sell ads and push agendas.

BUT I also think that tv just shows where our society is at. You can look at a person's diet and get an idea of their health and their desires. Well when you look at the diet of TV you get an idea of our societies health and desires. Sadly there is a huge percentage of our society that eats this trash....heck the only reason tv in its current state can exist is because there are enough 'junk food junkies' to support it by eating it.

Someone needs to start a new channel that plays all old tv shows and has a actual journalistic news outlet that just reports what's going on instead of telling everyone what to think about it...with a balance of positive and negative news.
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