Going rate for half doors

Me likey the half doors as well. He will probably sit on it trying to sell it whole with no motor for 2K. the half doors are it's biggest asset unless frame is spotless.
I think he's up for it. He mentioned swapping the lock cylinders, I completely forgot about that!

I don't think that would be too difficult. Any door diagrams readily available?
A trailer like that is on my "list" but they all seem so expensive. Did you make it or buy it? Whats the story? I would do the same thing too, match tires and wheels.
Its an old 1984 or 86 Pack Mule Jeep trailer made in Marysville California for about 6 years. I found it North of Reno Nevada .... bought it and then fixed it up. They are hard to find.
Nothing yet. Im going to message him back. Hard to not make it sound like im desperate but when I'm the one doing all the messaging and making all the offers it starts to sound that way.
I played the waiting game for many years until the right deal came up on factory half doors. Mine came with full doors. While waiting, I found a set of used Bestop soft half doors on CL. About a year later, I saw a full set Bestop Element tube doors with metal skins and soft uppers on a local Jeep forum. I snagged them and sold the soft doors. They looked almost like factory half doors. Finally, a buddy sold his TJ with his full doors on it, and sold me his factory half doors. I got them for $200 about 4 years ago. Bonus, they are black.
Stay diligent, and have the cash ready when a set pops up somewhere. They do go quick. I missed a couple deals before I bought mine.
Nothing equals factory half doors, IMO. They are very light, and fit way better than the previous 2 sets I ran.
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Well ive got a camping trip up north this summer so maybe I'll do some searching between delaware and maine for some. Otherwise im still going to stick with my plan of waiting for oem black half doors. I did look at the other options to include the tube and metal skin doors, but I'm still shying away from that route

My tj is quickly becoming a pavement queen beauty mobile instead of offroader
I paid $500. Got lucky I guess. I only looked for only a couple months and as soon as a saw a set of clean patriot blue ones within reasonable driving distance, I went to pick them up the next day.
Time of year affects everything. At least in north carolina. Half doors around spring and summer go for roughly $500 but around winter, $250-350. Same for hard tops. $600 in the summer and $1000 in the winter.

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