Search results

  1. adamclyde

    OEM front seat belts

    I am really striking out in finding a good source for OEM seatbelts in tan for my TJ. Quadratec is and has been out of stock for ages. Nothing on Mopar either or the other seemingly dozen other online sources I’ve tried. Do I just go with universal seat belt? Do you have a secret oem style...
  2. adamclyde

    Fixing vacuum line through the fire wall?

    Hi folks! so my air control was stuck on defrost vents and found the problem to be a broken vacuum line right at the junction as the line passes through the firewall. As you can see from the picture, it’s broken off inside the female junction. I’ve tried prying it out with needle nose pliers and...
  3. adamclyde

    Soft top hardware identification (MasterTop?)

    Hi all! New here, so I tried to do my homework and search everything I could before posting. I know there have been a few soft top hardware ID questions in the past - I've read through all of them. And checked out sites like Quadratec and even tried to read through a bunch of different Bestop...