bow assembly brackets

  1. JackFisher98

    Soft top for Jeep missing bow assembly?

    Happy Mother's Day! New Jeep owner, new forum member, first post. Bear with me! I purchased my '01 TJ Sport by private sale, and the previous owner had removed the bow assembly for the current "MasterTop" that is on it. It doesn't require a bow assembly to be installed as it stretches a "cab"...
  2. connor grimes

    California JK bestop bow assembly brand new

    hey guys, sorry if this isn't kosher to sell JK parts on the TJ forum i just dont have a JK and dont want to make a new membership. selling for my neighbor, brand new in box bestop JK bow assembly completely replaces all factory soft to hardware. sells for $700 new plus tax. He's looking to get...
  3. dlm1450

    Need help installing bow brackets for soft top on an LJ

    Any of you fine, upstanding LJ owner's want to take a measurement for me? I need an LJ owner to put a carpenter square on their tub and measure the height to the center of the screw attaching their soft top bow to the sport cage bracket. A photo of the setup you use would be greatly...
  4. dlm1450

    WTB: Soft Top Bow Brackets - 2004 LJ

    While I wait to hear back from Bestop, anyone have the soft top bow brackets for an 04 LJ? I found TJ brackets on eBay but I believe the LJ brackets are different? Here's a pic of the Bestop LJ brackets I found on eBay. Part number LJSTRB. Do these seem right?
  5. fourdgwag

    WTB: Missing frame parts (see pics)

    I bought a complete (but not really complete) soft top on Craigs list a few years back...Rampage. it’s new, never installed. The dude I bought it from wouldn’t return the money. Its missing some frame parts. I contacted the manufacturer and they came up with nothing. I’m hoping someone can...