
  1. G8tergirl00

    Shipping Wrangler Doors to Paris, France

    Hello, I have an inquiry from a friend on shipping 4 Jeep Wrangler doors to Paris, France from Florida. Does anyone have experience with anything like this and the best way to go about it? Thank you!
  2. TJScott

    Another moving to Ontario Canada thread, importing the Jeep

    I have been reading all I can find about the process of exporting the Jeep from the US and then importing the Jeep into Canada, we are leaving California, my wife is Canadian and wants to return to Canada to help out her aging parents. I’m still nervous about a few things. I want to bring my...
  3. F

    Export TJ differences

    Hello, I’m an American expat living in Saudi and recently purchased a ‘97 TJ Sahara here to restore. My question is what are the differences between the export and US spec TJs? I found out today that mine does not have O2 sensors, catalytic converters, and that the TPS sensor is different...