
  1. tworley

    Tworley build

    I thought I would document my build thread here. I am a member over on WF and JF but was told this is a pretty active and technical place. I hope you dont mind seeing things twice. As it is today (11/15/22): 4" Currie Coils 1.25" JKS Body Lift Metalcloak control arms and trackbars Savvy UA...
  2. derekmac

    My 05 Rubi build and picture thread

    Here is a list of what has been done to the Jeep so far, and each thing is linked to its post. Lifted 3" front, 2" rear 33" M/T's Superwinch LP8500 Auxiliary LED lights front Auxiliary LED back up lights Locker mod Tablet mount Under hood ammo can OBA Under hood ammo can storage CB Door less...