
New Member
Apr 15, 2022
Orlando, FL
Hello Everyone

Currently chasing a leak that is leaving me stumped. I replaced my tailgate recently due to rust along the bottom seam of the OEM tailgate. I have always had leaking problems in the rear at the door so I was hoping this would fix it.

The tailgate bar is purchased from Bestop and the seals on it are brand new.

New tailgate seems to fit ok, seals at the bottom and sides with fresh weatherstripping. It sticks out slightly further than the OEM tailgate, but closes and latches fine (all adjusted over a period over a few days). The issue I am having is with the tailgate bar for the Trektop NX I have installed on the Jeep. I have the correct brackets provided by Bestop, everything feels very tight, the door is not crushing the seals at all. It looks like the top of the door is supposed to sit along the bottom rubber, and the rounded section is supposed to slip out over the top of the tailgate and send water down the outside.

I have illustrated on the photos where I am having water ingress- It is right in the middle of the tailgate, at the window seal with the soft top. I cannot figure out why it would be leaking there, and nowhere else. Any help or insight is appreciated.

rear seal detail.jpeg

tailgate bar with seal.jpeg


water running down here.jpeg
Update - not only is water dripping down from the weatherstrip; it is also pooling at the tailgate door seal on the bottom and flowing in during the "garden hose" test.
Don't overlook the corners of the tailgate and tailgate bar. Water could be entering at the corner, traveling along the weather stripping and running down the center. Hit the door seal with some aerosol body powder so you can see where it's traveling. Just because it is running down the center of the tailgate doesn't mean that's where it's actually coming in.