Headlights malfunctioning when plow is connected


Sep 22, 2020
Indianapolis, IN
I recently got LED headlights and have had no issues before this. When I plug in the lights to my snow plow, tall the lights act a bit funky. When I turn on a blinker, the car headlights flash back and forth, and for some reason one of the plow headlights doesn't want to turn on now. Is this issue caused by the new headlights? if so, what do I need to do to stop them from interfering with the plows headlights.
The stock lights go between a neg ground and a pos ground. This is incompatible with how LEDs function. You will need special flashers and also a way to keep the neg ground. This is if I can remember what others have said about the lights. I'm far from an electrical engineer. So hopefully this will. E addressed by a headlight master. Hope this bumps this for the right set of eyes.