Is my driver door window frame bent


Supporting Member
Aug 15, 2020
orange county
I replaced my driver side door due to some damage it incurred.

It seems this door does won't seat properly. Although it does shut securely, the bottom half of the door is not flush with the cab, and sticks a little more than 8th if an inch. It seems like a silly thing, but its kinda driving me crazy

I have adjusted the strikers multiple times and it has gotten "better" but still sticks out a fair bit.

If I had to guess, it looks the top of the window frame is bent "in" as in towards the cab, causing the bottom to not sit flush.

This is an aftermarket hardtop, and I only noticed This, after purchasing the hardtop. However the problem could have been there before.

The door was likely leaning against a wall in a garage somewhere for an extended period of time. Is it possible the pressure caused the frame to bend slightly after an extended period of time sitting around?

I will add some pics when I get to a desktop, as I am posting from my phone.
Here are some pictures for reference. I have noticed the driver door will sit flush if I put a good amount of pressure on it, pressing the weatherstrip down pretty hard.

Is it possible to bend the window frame back? or should I redo seals? or stop worrying about such small things.



It looks like you may need to loosen the top and slide it all the way back and resecure it then adjust your doors and bend those frames last if you just don’t have any other option- Based on my experience I would start with that