Remember when


TJ Addict
Supporting Member
Oct 31, 2015
Kootenays, BC, Canada
add your own. keep it auto related but bring back those simpler times.

I'll start. Remember when power steering, power brakes were an option? Remember when you could not move the steering wheel before you let out the clutch?

Remember when you had to wait for the tubes in the radio to warm up before you could get any sound?
Remember when you would tuck the seat belts down into the cracks of the seats to get them out of the way?
Remember when all the cars had red turn signal lenses in the rear (no amber lenses)?
(This is gonna be a great thread...)
Remember when you had to turn the car back around because you hung the corner to fast and the metal hub cap flew off and ya had to go back and get it

My first car. 67 Olds Cutlass Supreme. Big ol boat!

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Remember when you had to double the clutch as there was no synchro between the gears. (no quick changing back then)
Remember Cross ply tyres (tires) and how much they gripped in the wet...or not haha
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