Will lower tire pressure cause my tires to wear faster?


TJ Enthusiast
Oct 29, 2018
I posted a question about what tire pressure should be recently but I was wondering if I lower my tire pressure does that make the tires wear sooner?
This is why we tend to give a range (24-29 psi) when asked about it. Every vehicle and tire combination can be different. Add in wheel dimensions and it is nearly impossible for someone other than the driver to determine the exact pressure they need.👍
Overinflated will wear the center of the tire faster, underinflated will wear the edges faster. But we're talking about psi that is significantly higher/lower than ideal.

In general overinflated is more common and impacts both tire wear and ride quality. Under is ok to a point, it increases traction, but it also decreases mpg. So it will decrease tire life a bit but not enough to be an issue unless it's severely low.
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