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TJ Expert
Supporting Member
May 5, 2019
Fucktard state of NJ
This makes me laugh. What's next gender neutral and trans emojis.
I knew I should have ditched Apple years ago.
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You know, this whole thing just flies in the face of common fucking sense. Yea, I push the male/female boundary, sometimes pretty hard. But I draw the line at biology. Rules about what to wear are all made up BS for the most part - but pregnant men and men wearing bras involve biology we don't have - gynecomastia not withstanding. Women wearing jockstraps is equally stupid. *shrug*
Yea, I push the male/female boundary, sometimes pretty hard. But I draw the line at biology. Rules about what to wear are all made up BS for the most part...

There is a good chance that if I even saw you 30 yrs ago I would have thought you were some kind of gay weirdo that participated in too many pride parades that I'd never go to see. While my sexist/homo-ist/trans-ist/whateverist mindset hasn't completely disappeared, I haven't thought about you like that at all since meeting you here. Well maybe a little bit weird in your own way but I've never thought you were pushing the male/female boundary. You are just being you and you seem to have no reason to force anybody to dance with you or dress like you so maybe someday we could meet up and have a beer or two while wearing whatever each of us show up in. Warning: Based on the temperature differences between OH and FLA I'll probably be exposing more than you are.

FWIW, I grew up just at the end of "when girls were girls and men were men" and yes I watched "All in the Family" reruns every day after school. Yes, Archie Bunker was mistaken about a few things but he was right about a lot of what he said and sang.
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There is a good chance that if I even saw you 30 yrs ago I would have thought you were some kind of gay weirdo that participated in too many pride parades that I'd never go to see. While my sexist/homo-ist/trans-ist/whateverist mindset hasn't completely disappeared, I haven't thought about you like that at all since meeting you here. Well maybe a little bit weird in your own way but I've never thought you were pushing the male/female boundary. You are just being you and you seem to have no reason to force anybody to dance with you or dress like you so maybe someday we could meet up and have a beer or two while wearing whatever each of us show up in. Warning: Based on the temperature differences between OH and FLA I'll probably be exposing more than you are.

FWIW, I grew up just at the end of "when girls were girls and men were men" and yes I watched "All in the Family" reruns every day after school. Yes, Archie Bunker was mistaken about a few things but he was right about a lot of what he said and sang.
I watched "All in the Family" when it was first run - back when we could make fun of ourselves and nobody was "offended". Everybody should be free to do what - and dress like - they please. I don't give a damn what anybody else chooses to wear, or not wear; its none of my business. Although I do have a patent dislike of suits and neckties!

Yea, some people think I'm gay - why should I care? I don't agree with the gay lifestyle - but its their choice, not mine and their choices are none of my business. OTOH, I was once told by a *VERY* gay guy that it was obvious that I wasn't gay from 100 ft. away - so I have no idea how "gaydar" works. Its my understanding that anything perceived as "feminine" isn't particularly well received in the gay community. How that works with all the "femininity" one sees in a Pride parade I have no idea - I'm no expert.

Me? I'm just a guy in a skirt. I don't pretend I'm a woman, as I'm not. What anyone else wants to think is up to them. I actually have been asked a time or two if I wanted to be addressed by the feminine pronoun. I point to my facial hair and say "Nope, I'm just a guy in a skirt." Skirts are very comfortable and fun - while I think many guys would love them if they'd give them a try, there's too much cultural baggage for the idea to go over well with many/most.

Thanx for your kind words!
I watched "All in the Family" when it was first run - back when we could make fun of ourselves and nobody was "offended". Everybody should be free to do what - and dress like - they please. I don't give a damn what anybody else chooses to wear, or not wear; its none of my business. Although I do have a patent dislike of suits and neckties!

Yea, some people think I'm gay - why should I care? I don't agree with the gay lifestyle - but its their choice, not mine and their choices are none of my business. OTOH, I was once told by a *VERY* gay guy that it was obvious that I wasn't gay from 100 ft. away - so I have no idea how "gaydar" works. Its my understanding that anything perceived as "feminine" isn't particularly well received in the gay community. How that works with all the "femininity" one sees in a Pride parade I have no idea - I'm no expert.

Me? I'm just a guy in a skirt. I don't pretend I'm a woman, as I'm not. What anyone else wants to think is up to them. I actually have been asked a time or two if I wanted to be addressed by the feminine pronoun. I point to my facial hair and say "Nope, I'm just a guy in a skirt." Skirts are very comfortable and fun - while I think many guys would love them if they'd give them a try, there's too much cultural baggage for the idea to go over well with many/most.

Thanx for your kind words!
I love my Kilt/Man skirt.