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Was also a '61 model, App...
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Who all knows the only 2 American cars that were made only 1 year?
You probably should have said "model years" or "one-year only body styles". The question is actually quite vague, when you look at it. For example, I thought you meant car companies, to which I responded with Tucker. A '58 Chevy? It's an X-frame platform, same as its siblings through 1964. In short, I guess I'm not understanding the question.
You probably should have said "model years" or "one-year only body styles". The question is actually quite vague, when you look at it. For example, I thought you meant car companies, to which I responded with Tucker. A '58 Chevy? It's an X-frame platform, same as its siblings through 1964. In short, I guess I'm not understanding the question.

I must not be getting it either. I have a problem with calling a '58 Chevy a "one-year-only" car. Sure, the '58 is one-year-only in certain aspects, so is my '65 Chrysler, '64 Impalas, and most other pre '70s cars.
"one-year-only" car

Technically, every car is a one-year-only car. A '53 Ford is the only year a '53 Ford was sold as a '53 Ford, for example. The year before, they were '52 Fords. The year after, they were '54 Fords.

I'm not trying to be a dick, though I'm pretty sure I'm sounding like one at this point, but the whole "one year only" thing has always bugged me. Like I said, I can't think of anything else besides the Tucker. It was sold as a model year 1948 vehicle. None before 1948, and none after 1948.