Best tire cover image?

Yes Mel Brooks was genuinely crazy- During the war he climbed a tower and set up a speaker and played music to German troops by a very famous Jewish singer at the time-

He did not care to get close to the edge or a little over.

Raise your hands by Bon Jovi is running through my head

Uh, I dont get it.
Uh, I dont get it.

Well it was World War II and the Germans hated the Jews so he was just shoving it down their throat that they had a successful singer-

The song I’m referring to was what was playing In the movie when the little Winnebago was flying around in the beginning
All day long.

If there is one regret that I have and that is the fact that I waited too long to get one of these again- I had this thing in my head that I was raising a family and that I couldn’t do anything like get a nonessential vehicle- I had a practical moment , lasted about 20 years-

We really did struggle for years-
My wife was a stay at home mom and I went into business eventually and began the journey of trying to master a trade and learning to run a business at the same time- Don’t let anybody tell you that it’s an easy road and don’t go in business if you have a good living without headaches and aren’t dead sure what you’re doing-And you got to have tenacity to never never quit to you succeed. If you’re not willing to give something everything you’ve got -don’t even consider it.
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