It would be very nice...


Crew Member
Supporting Member
Nov 20, 2015
Quail Valley, CA
If the world had more smarter folks in it, not even smarter, just less dumb. If that were the case then stuff like below wouldn't wind up in so many email inboxes because the only reason this happens is because dumbasses fall for it.

But. You’ve gotta act, RIGHT NOW! You wouldn’t want that random, unspecified, subscription to expire, would you?

I get about 10 spam phone calls a day now. I hang up on most of them but the rest I just ask them who they are calling. Click.
If the world had more smarter folks in it, not even smarter, just less dumb. If that were the case then stuff like below wouldn't wind up in so many email inboxes because the only reason this happens is because dumbasses fall for it.

View attachment 354074

😂, your plan will be invoked if you don’t act now!
The world would definitely be a better place with more smart people. It seems we're going in the opposite direction, unfortunately.
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I get a lot of people that want to forward the SCARY email that they received.

NO JUST DELTE IT! I don't want it in my inbox.

You don't need to see it?? Should I call the police?

NO! DELETE! Did you open the attachment?

I don't think I opened it....

Aw shit!

We had a lady that gave the thieves her bank account numbers and drained her account. Then they called back to apologize. We want to put the money back into your account. So she got robbed again! She called the police and they accepted her laptop as evidence.

So you gave them your laptop? We can just wipe/reload it. My god really? Some police officer got a free laptop.
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I get a lot of people that want to forward the SCARY email that they received.

NO JUST DELTE IT! I don't want it in my inbox.

You don't need to see it?? Should I call the police?

NO! DELETE! Did you open the attachment?

I don't think I opened it....

Aw shit!

We had a lady that gave the thieves her bank account numbers and drained her account. Then they called back to apologize. We want to put the money back into your account. So she got robbed again! She called the police and they accepted her laptop as evidence.

So you gave them your laptop? We can just wipe/reload it. My god really? Some police officer got a free laptop.

I’ve seen far too many really intelligent people become really dumb when faced with these scams.
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You heard correctly, he has been incorrectly credited for it. The point made in the stories to the contrary that has always stuck with me is the one about him being highly unlikely to disparage his patrons. Has more of the ring of truth to it.'s_a_sucker_born_every_minute

well hells bells...........the older i get, the more i learn a lot of what we were told or taught as far as our countries history is a steamin pile of sh!t. it's riddled with fairy tales, lies and hear say.
well hells bells...........the older i get, the more i learn a lot of what we were told or taught as far as our countries history is a steamin pile of sh!t. it's riddled with fairy tales, lies and hear say.
I've been very skeptical of most anything I hear and do my own research into it to see how accurate it really is for many years. I was that way long before I started owning and working on Jeeps. Once I got into them and started seeing what the internet considered to be the "truth" about things, that dialed my skepticism up about a 100fold. I never believed it was possible to have so much bullshit posted as truthful about one vehicle. It is more than a bit disheartening most days.

The one that really got me into NOT believing what is put out there as truthful is the McDonald's story about the lady who spilled hot coffee in her lap and then was awarded stupid money at trial. That is often put out there as what is wrong with our legal system. The truth is far different. It was actually a fairly just verdict.
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i believe part of the problem is, they only print what they want us to think....... and it's always bias.

every aspect of our lives is subject to our gullibility. from commercials to the nightly news we are bombarded with constant decision over what, who and where. the question not asked enough IMO is the .....why?
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i believe part of the problem is, they only print what they want us to think....... and it's always bias.

every aspect of our lives is subject to our gullibility. from commercials to the nightly news we are bombarded with constant decision over what, who and where. the question not asked enough IMO is the .....why?

The why is easy. There are many agendas being pushed at every turn. I actually do not watch any televised news programming whatsoever. If something is important like the Supreme Court decision that "bans abortion", I try to find the decision and read it for myself. The decision does not ban abortion, it returns the decision back to the individual States to decide for themselves. That is not banning anything nor should the Fed get involved with a personal decision of that nature in the original manner in which they did it. It was flawed from the start and really had no chance of passing muster by any court that understands the rule of law.
Misinformation. That’s all that’s out there. News outlets , internet, etc. either someone trying to scam an unsuspecting person out of something or , someone trying to cram their agenda down my throat. I quit watching the news a long time ago.
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