Andy G needs brake love

I’m open to any ideas-

I had a similar issue years ago, but I can't remember what solved the issue.

As for the booster, it's one of those things that works or doesn't. Have you listened for a hissing leak under the hood and inside the cab? Have you applied a vacuum test to the booster and seen that it holds? If it holds steady, it's good and can be eliminated.
I had a similar issue years ago, but I can't remember what solved the issue.

As for the booster, it's one of those things that works or doesn't. Have you listened for a hissing leak under the hood and inside the cab? Have you applied a vacuum test to the booster and seen that it holds? If it holds steady, it's good and can be eliminated.

Thank you I’ll put a gauge on it- And listen closer
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2 things jump out- I have no idea what the brake light should tell me- excited to learn.

What your looking for here is to see if the "safety" shuttle is shifting and not allowing you to get a good bleed in the front or rear. The combo valve will detect a drastic change in pressure, like if a rear line gets cut and shift the shuttle to block that half of the system. That way, you don't lose 100% of the brakes. When it shifts, it also completes a circuit that illuminates the brake light in the dash.
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What your looking for here is to see if the "safety" shuttle is shifting and not allowing you to get a good bleed in the front or rear. The Prop valve will detect a drastic change in pressure, like if a rear line gets cut and shift the shuttle to block that half of the system. That way, you don't lose 100% of the brakes. When it shifts, it also completes a circuit that illuminates the brake light in the dash.

OK thanks Mike - that’s all a little over my head - during the bleeding process why would I want to be seeing the light do?
Because if it shifts you won't be bleeding the brakes...Its shifted to the low pressure side (where you have opened the bleeder) and preventing more fluid flow.

OK I’m still kind of lost, what should the light be doing on the dash if everything is going correctly as I bleed the system-

First, please understand my frame of mind is not helping anything. I got an email yesterday from my insurance carrier that they would like me to swing by with a check for additional general liability coverage, since we had such a good year last year. 52,000 dollars. It was a good year, but trust me it wasn’t that good.

On the brakes, I needed rear pads so did that and replaced 2 washers on the rear drivers side to be safe and thoroughly bled the system- no progress. I greased the pins with caliper grease.

I also carefully checked the front to make sure the pads had not somehow gotten soft or something weird.

I had the ignition on and the brake light stayed off except when the pedal would travel to the floor when we cracked the valve. I’m not exactly sure if that’s good or bad I’m just trying to be factual.

I don’t hear any piercing or a vacuum type noises in the cab or under the hood.

The rear lines appeared to be original and the passenger side hard line has rubbed against the shock quite a bit- I’m going to replace the rear lines just because I would like to freshen those up anyway even though I don’t see evidence of a leak.

I am grateful for you guys taking time to read and basically just caring that guy has a problem and wanting to help- I’ll certainly take any that I can get.

I’ve even tried to go back and remember when this started and I was so busy in the beginning just sorting out the little things you do on a new vehicle and focusing on getting it to drive the way that I wanted, I just can’t remember how I got here.

A mechanic suggested a way to block off one of the lines so that I could isolate the front and the back systems - I’ve never heard of doing that and I wondered what you guys thought about it.

thanks again-

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What happens if you pump up the brakes with it running? Do they get firm? If they do, and you hold the brake when firm, does it slowly go to floor?
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All I need to do in the morning is chop leaves and my asparagus patches… I have the day available.

Thank you and I appreciate the offer earlier as well- I’ve got something to do with my oldest son in the morning.

Let me see how this goes after dinner I’m going to run a jumper vacuum from my TJR to the LJR to see if the booster can be ruled in or out.

If it turns out to be a suspect I may reach out to you- But if you don’t hear from me don’t be offended I may just be at a standstill if it’s OK until I get some new rear lines- The ones at the part houses are just not complete , may need to order.