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    • chumpchange
      chumpchange replied to the thread Smoke pouring out of vents.
      did you check the ashtray? there may be some sage in there.
    • chumpchange
      chumpchange replied to the thread PSA: Robert Shaw Thermostat.
      i installed the 333. it and the 330 have the same measurements as far as i could tell. so that may be the two.
    • chumpchange
      chumpchange replied to the thread Water pump?.
      if throwing parts at this thing gave me the warm and fuzzy, i'd look like bigfoot joined the marine corp. i'm not ignoring mac's advice...
    • chumpchange
      chumpchange replied to the thread Water pump?.
      yes yes, p1281 is my current issue but i think i can see some light. 8-)
    • chumpchange
      chumpchange replied to the thread Water pump?.
      p1486 is an evap code. i had that recently and ended up replacing a lot of things. canister, pump valve, gas cap, etc. best to take it...
    • chumpchange
      chumpchange replied to the thread Water pump?.
      so i took my fan off and let it warm up and it warmed up to 195 and settled. i tried to condition the fan clutch some with a drop of oil...
    • chumpchange
      chumpchange replied to the thread Water pump?.
      i got mine in about a week, standard shipping USPS. i'm in N. Ga. if you don't already know, there's a tiny burp hole that's pretty...
    • chumpchange
      chumpchange replied to the thread Water pump?.
      not as of yet, just been going by the temp gauge. it will go up to 195-200 if i drive it a while, go into a store or something and come...
    • chumpchange
      chumpchange replied to the thread Water pump?.
      well the new RS thermostat didn't cure my issue of running at 170 degrees. I guess my next move will be a new fan clutch. tomorrow i...
    • chumpchange
      ..aaaaand success!! I can confirm that if you install the distributor with the 3/8 dowel pin inserted into the first hole (for 2.5L...
    • chumpchange
      chumpchange reacted to TheBoogieman's post in the thread TJ tire size recommendation with Like Like.
      The same thing applies to stock Jeeps. Worn parts need to be replaced. 🤫
    • chumpchange
      chumpchange reacted to Murf926's post in the thread TJ tire size recommendation with Like Like.
      2" lift will work great for 31x10.50. If you really want to run 32x11.50, I'd suggest installing a 1" - 1.25" body lift as well. I ran...
    • chumpchange
      see what your plugs look like. any wet ones?
    • chumpchange
      chumpchange replied to the thread TJ tire size recommendation.
      any time you deviate from the vehicle's original center-of-gravity, some parts/components may need to be replaced or upgraded. you may...
    • chumpchange
      chumpchange replied to the thread TJ tire size recommendation.
      i'd suggest 31 x 10.5. you should be able to avoid rubbing and potential death wobble with 2" lift.
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