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    • EWatauga
      EWatauga reacted to steelhd's post in the thread Jeep Sliding in Snow with Like Like.
      TJs are designed to be a great snow vehicle. A trail, field, and unplowed back road snow vehicle. They aren't great for compact snow...
    • EWatauga
      EWatauga replied to the thread Jeep Sliding in Snow.
      Well it did make pitiful engine revving noises, so it was "like" driving.
    • EWatauga
      EWatauga replied to the thread Jeep Sliding in Snow.
      It had a button to disable traction control, but I think stability control was posibbly causing the problem. It also has this "X-Mode"...
    • EWatauga
      EWatauga replied to the thread Jeep Sliding in Snow.
      My wife had a 2015 Subaru Outback up till about 8 months ago, and when its moving it did great in the snow. The problem is that if you...
    • EWatauga
      EWatauga replied to the thread Build plan for 33s.
      I did the exact same lift from DPG a couple years ago. It's a great setup for 33's, however I replaced the OME shocks with RS5000X's...
    • EWatauga
      EWatauga replied to the thread Flat towing versus car hauler.
      Nice looking trailer! My 2019 Ram has the 3.21 axle ratio, so my tow cap is around 8500 so it's more of a concern, been regretting not...
    • EWatauga
      EWatauga replied to the thread Flat towing versus car hauler.
      With a 16' dovetail the tires will be on the flat part of the trailer. My TJ evenly balanced on my 16' dovetail puts the rear tires...
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