Oberst Oswald's latest activity

  • Oberst Oswald
    I bought mine about 3 weeks ago from NAPA. Didn't install it yet because there is no hurry for a heater with summer coming.
  • Oberst Oswald
    Oberst Oswald reacted to John Cooper's post in the thread Duckless with Haha Haha.
    Rubibro I am confused.. are you say that wrestler gave you wood? You would plow it? You would tap it? It got your wood pumped? And...
  • Oberst Oswald
    Oberst Oswald replied to the thread Duckless.
    Looks like somehow a left turn was taken on the trail. Admit if there ain't some closet collectors who build their jeeps to enjoy a six...
  • Oberst Oswald
    I thought it was like 5$ but i think it's less about the amount and more about them charging at all, why pay when there are free...
  • Oberst Oswald
    Oberst Oswald replied to the thread Duckless.
    OK I get it now... Since it is plainly apparent that TJ 's are getting ducked there can be only one reason why I don't have a duck to...
  • Oberst Oswald
    Oberst Oswald reacted to Weasellee's post in the thread Duckless with Face Palm Face Palm.
    I was ducked a few years ago in Lake George. I immediately put together a makeshift noose and hung said duck from my passenger visor. I...
  • Oberst Oswald
    Oberst Oswald reacted to FarFire70's post in the thread Duckless with Like Like.
    I got ducked for the first time last week. It hurt but I dealt with it appropriately...
  • Oberst Oswald
    Oberst Oswald reacted to cliffish's post in the thread Duckless with Sad Sad.
    For the record, I have never been ducked in Long Island, NY either!
  • Oberst Oswald
    I installed the cargo restraint system and mesh bikini top so my boy can come along.
  • Oberst Oswald
    Oberst Oswald reacted to Apparition's post in the thread Duckless with Puke Puke.
    You sending the Hillary Clinton one?
  • Oberst Oswald
    Oberst Oswald reacted to TheBoogieman's post in the thread Duckless with Like Like.
    I'm sending you one of my ducks just because I feel sorry for you. Not because you don't have one, but because you live in New Jersey. 🥳
  • Oberst Oswald
    Oberst Oswald reacted to Obi-Wan's post in the thread Duckless with Love Love.
    Screw it. I'm jumping back in. On a recent trip to Amsterdam, I came across this store.......I specifically took a picture because I'm...
  • Oberst Oswald
    Oberst Oswald reacted to FarFire70's post in the thread Duckless with Love Love.
    Are you making light of a man's duckless situation? That'd be like making fun of a man's ED before viagra was created. Don't blame a...
  • Oberst Oswald
    Oberst Oswald replied to the thread Duckless.
    :love: I really appreciate the kindness of everyone but I'll have to politely resist the offer. Won't be able to sleep at night, in my...
  • Oberst Oswald
    Oberst Oswald replied to the thread Duckless.
    Oh please, if I ever get one, let that be my 1st duck.