Half doors hard to close - rubber trim too long?


TJ Enthusiast
Dec 27, 2021
Western Australia
This is a close up of the rubber weather seal on the front of the right hand door (drivers door in my case as RHD but Pax side is the same).

There is an extra bit of rubber, about 80cm / 3" long. The doors are hard to close and need to be slammed and it seems like this is what it is catching on. Am I OK to trim these back or are they supposed to be like this?

Door Rubber.jpg
I don't own half door uppers but it seems to me that the piece should stop where the half door's seal begins if not slightly before.
Yep that seems pretty logical to me too and I was about to snip them off when I thought better of it and decided to wait until the brains trust here chimed in!
Definitely trim it. I cut mine so they mesh well with the door seals and there isn’t a gap between the two when the door is closed…

Snip it or just fold it back towards the rear. Mine is just folded back and it’s fine. I got the doors and uppers used and that’s how they were when I got them.