Bartact woes

I personally believe this is the real problem... Every generation saw the next as lazy. I can agree to an extent that people that aspire to be influencers and shit are part of the problem, and downplaying the value of blue collar workers, but even my friends that do work hard don't really care to spend extra to USA made whatsoever. You gotta vote with your dollar or else we end up where we are, cheap chinese garbage everywhere

welcome to the united states of china. our crooked ass politicians have sold out our country to the chinese. we a need make it here, buy it here ideology in this country.
welcome to the united states of china. our crooked ass politicians have sold out our country to the chinese. we a need make it here, buy it here ideology in this country.
I mean, I can't disagree, but, the average person has also allowed it to happen and happily traded quality for price, sadly.
I personally believe this is the real problem... Every generation saw the next as lazy. I can agree to an extent that people that aspire to be influencers and shit are part of the problem

Growing up, everyone in my generation wanted to be a movie star or famous football star. The generation before me was astronauts. The generation after me was to be a famous YouTuber. Now we have influencer.

God, I hate that term so much. You're essentially a walking advertisement with no brain and your only job is to post ads for products you don't know jack shit about. (I am friends with a lot of them in the offroad community and they are insufferable people with their nose stuck in their phone 24/7. 80% of them are your typical Toyota folks)
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Shifting jobs out of the USA needs to stop.
That is only a small part of why our economy is in the state it is...
I am hoping our economy will start to change for the better in November.
Consumers drive that. People need to stop buying the cheapest shit they can find. Maybe delay gratification until they can afford to buy a higher priced American made product.
Shit. I almost ordered Bartacts last week but decided to hold off, glad I did now. Thanks to everyone for the alternative suggestions.
Consumers drive that. People need to stop buying the cheapest shit they can find. Maybe delay gratification until they can afford to buy a higher priced American made product.

I agree which is why I try to research what I buy and spend more on products to support our USA job force (when I can) ...
BUY AMERICAN when you can....
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BUY AMERICAN when you can....

That's what I've done for quite a while now but sometimes I wonder if I'm just wasting money trying to save "Made in America" while a grossly high percentage of my so called Fellow Americans keep fighting against that.

Worse than that, US trade with china is pretty much a one way street and our asshole politicians seem to be the ones directing the traffic.
US trade with china is pretty much a one way street and our asshole politicians seem to be the ones directing the traffic.

All the while, talking tough in regards to a potential future armed conflict with the same. Nuclear options aside (they've got them as well), they'd win on the numbers alone.

We don't make a whole lot here anymore because they've allowed US companies to outsource work overseas to fatten their bottom lines, which is good for investors (many of whom are the very same asshole politicians). If we declared war on China tomorrow or the Chinese just decided to stop making and sending goods to the US, we'd likely be royally fucked.

A good start would be:
  • Removing politics from leadership and governance. It has no place there and serves no genuine purpose, other than for those it employs (the aforementioned assholes). This will actually solve many issues we suffer from these days.
  • Make it illegal for anyone serving in public office, as well as their immediate families (minimum) to be invested in anything, certainly not a sector they're directly involved in legislating. This activity is nothing short of legal insider trading. Serving in public office is a privilege, not a career path, and should not be a conduit to absurdly increasing one's wealth at the cost of the country.
  • Heavily tax/financially penalize any company who outsources, forcing them to bring the labor back to the states. They only understand things when it hits them hard in the wallet.
On the flip side, just because something says "Made in America" doesn't mean it is of good quality. We need to fix that as well, a fair bit of what little we do make here is shit as well. We need to bring back pride in workmanship, which is directly tied to value for dollar.
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Make it illegal for anyone serving in public office, as well as their immediate families (minimum) to be invested in anything, certainly not a sector they're directly involved in legislating. This activity is nothing short of legal insider trading. Serving in public office is a privilege, not a career path, and should not be a conduit to absurdly increasing one's wealth at the cost of the country.

Problem is the ones that need regulating are the ones writing the regulations.

Maybe some Regulators to help them in their decision making process. Any volunteers? 🙋‍♂️
Who ends up paying for illegals to live here, overload the cities resources, schools and get free health care? Not them. They can't pay taxes because they're here illegally.

Ya but they harvest the food. Those whiny millenials yall hate are going to cost a lot more to do the same work. $10 cash under the table per hour vs $15 on the books. And good luck finding people who would rather break their backs picking potatoes than work a register for the same pay. I'd rather have illegals and cheap potatoes than less illegals and expensive potatoes. Just my 2 cents.
Ya but they harvest the food. I'd rather have illegals and cheap potatoes than less illegals and expensive potatoes. Just my 2 cents.
Maybe, but I think that the 7.2 MILLION of them, which is more than the population of 36 of our 50 states, that have invaded our country in the last three and a half years is just a few more than we need for that sort of thing.
Maybe you'd like the Governor of Texas to start shipping some more of them up there. It's worked out SO well for New York, Chicago, Boston, etc.
I'd rather have illegals and cheap potatoes than less illegals and expensive potatoes. Just my 2 cents.
Exchanging national sovereignty for cheap potatoes? That is pathetic. I'd rather have the 30 million illegal aliens deported from the country. We have a visa program for legal migrants who want to come here and earn money for their families in their home countries.
i’m kinda like how the fuck did we get here from where this started myself. smdh!

Yup I think we can call this officially derailed. Good luck with your Bartacts or whatever route you go.

I haven't had much issue with the tread pattern imprinting on my arm BUT my Maine Summers are much different then your Texas Summers so heat might be an issue.