The Garden Project...

Measuring to place the compass rose - 14.5 inch difference between the ends of that PVC pipe:

90 Degrees from that is the other axis:


The garden elf at work:



Done, but needs a bit of adjustment. The E-W transect is proud of the grass, needs to be flush.


Took the trailer to Orlando to pickup the rest of the statue plinths (bases):

Post on the far side is the nascent "Tower of the Winds". Used "Sika post set" for the first time, will need to cut away the excess that bubbled to the top:

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Its now "mostly" complete. I have a couple of iron bench bases that need to be repainted and new tops put on, some wiring for the fountain pump finished up, the finish coat on the wall done, etc. The plants need to grow, and I'm still missing a miniature olive tree that I'm having a HELL of a time getting. May put some potted plants around the Athena statue in the center as the altar makes it look unbalanced. It needs a garden gate too, but that may be a bit as its pricey.


"Tower of the Winds" in the East. Biggest, and smallest chimes are in place, will add two medium sized ones as I encounter some that I like. When I encounter something I like for a topper, I'll add that too.

Finish coat was put on the wall a couple of days ago:



Then we decided that Athena's statue didn't look right with the altar in front of her, so we bought some big flower pots to balance the look of the thing. Now I just need to figure out what to plant there...


Need to order the gate...
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The pump wiring is complete, sans a bit of cleanup and dressing:



Just need to get a deep cycle battery and a tubing adapter to connect the pump to the fountain's tubing - clean out the leaves and fill with water!

The solar panels, pump, battery box and switch were brought here from California.
Assembling a pair of "somethings" - they may have originally been tables, but I'm going to use them as a pair of 1 person benches bracketing the fountain. One of the round crossbars is clamped in my vice with penetrating oil (hopefully) doing its magic.

More cut Trex waiting in the utility trailer - I didn't pay attention to my depth of field when making this shot:
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@Zorba I like this layout better!!! It doesn't look so crowded and cramped!!!

Exactly. The altar in front of the Athena statue made the center unbalanced. Placing flower pots around the statue balanced it, but made it look cramped. One of my dance sisters was also squawking about the imbalance as well - so I changed it. Looks mo' bettah methinks.