Any other jade jeeps on here?

Dec 13, 2015
I got my 97 tj 3 years ago. I heard there wasn't many made in this color. Any one else on here have one?
That must be rare because I've never seen one like it! Very, very good looking!
I had to search for a colour match to touch up and it is Satin Jade Metalic.
I had a lot of trouble finding it because it only ran up to. 1998 and mine was registered in the UK as a 2000 model.(some delay between production and shipping I guess.)
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Ron had one that color. Here is a picture of him in his rig in JV. A short while later he wound up in circumstances that caused him to no longer be with us. There is a startling clue in the picture that may give the more astute among us as to the reason why it could have been readily prevented.

No seatbelt
Yep. He was wheeling in Utah near Hurricane with a friend of ours. He started up a little steep obstacle and the rig pitched sideways and then back. During the first pitch, it tossed him out headfirst with his lower body still in the rig, when it came back, the rocker mashed certain bits we need to maintain life and he perished at the scene. Our friend had to leave him and drive out to where he had cell coverage to call for assistance and stay on location until they arrived so he could lead them in.

Wear your seatbelt, it's worth it.