Ash tray delete on early TJ?

This sounds like a fun 3D printing project... just a flat panel, or can we give it some function?
When I installed my trans temp gauge I wanted it to the right of my switches on that plastic vertical surface of the 06.

I hated to cut it though so I bought an entire new switch panel for like $20-25 but I can’t recall where I bought it. Maybe ebay or Morris.

Can you buy the newer style and install it?
The only thing my ashtray did was hold a pretty quartz rock for about 4 years. I put in another switch panel.

Where did you find the second panel? Ordered online anywhere?
I've been wanting to do this as well but it's slim pickins at the junk yards near me.

A buddy of mine had it laying around his shop. Fortunately for me he didnt care whether he had it or not.
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how hard is that? will it go right in or do you have to cut out the ash tray internals?

I had to cut the internals out, it was not very hard with a dremel. Then I had switch the right cigarette lighter port to a usb port otherwise it hits the HVAC tubes. All in all it was very simple. I was able to pickup the switch panel from ebay for around $35
I appreciate the offer, oldjeepmam but if Mrprez can use it now I’d rather it go to him.

This mod is pretty far down my list at this time. More of a want rather than a need. I have enough to keep me busy for now.

But thanks again!!