4 wheeling for a living

Anyone on here make a living by wheeling? I'm just curious if it's possible I'm sure I'm not the only one that thinks this would be awesome!
It is hard to make a living just wheeling. It isn't as hard to make a living working as a guide, or assistant to a guide leading folks over trails.

Unfortunately at that point, you are no longer wheeling for a living but making a living dealing with people and their baggage and idiosyncrasies. I've been around many who make a living at it for at least the season, the guides on the Rubicon who are there for the parent company of Jeep Jamboree. While they (the guides) were mostly kind, helpful, and civil, you could tell nearly across the board that it was a well worn veneer that one more asshole comment by a customer would tear away to reveal the crotchety old fart who has just about had enough of the public's stupidity and bullshit.

One in our group would be one of those who sent the guides over the edge. He hit camp about 5pm. We told him supper was ready, go eat and set up camp afterwards since they would not hold dinner for anyone. He glared at us, ignored us, and proceeded to set up his tent and unload the Jeep. When he was done, he wandered over to the kitchen looking for his dinner which was all done and put away by then. They told him they aren't a restaurant, they don't cook to order and everyone eats at the same time. Get there when they are cooking or do without. Or, basically the same thing we tried to tell him.

Of course, we got to listen to just how crappy Jeep Jamboree is for the next 3 days and every time the topic arose thereafter for the next 10 years.
I think the best way to get paid to wheel would be getting a gig at one of the off-road rags. I think Fred Williams has got it pretty dicked with being an editor at 4 wheel and off-road, plus the dirt every day stuff.
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