A new Jeep idea: a basic Jeep

I don't have any Adobe but my video editing software is like $50 a year and it gets updated with new features every few months, and if not for Office 365 I'd have spent just as much but I'd probably still be using Office 2013, which among other things, didn't have a dark theme.
I've never really used Micro$lop Orifice as I really don't have the need. I'm still shell shocked over how early versions of "Turd" crashed all the time and lost data. On the very rare occasions I need what used to be called "Desktop Publishing", I use one of the free alternatives which work just fine. Otherwise, my world runs on text editors, preferably WordStar compatible. I spent 8 years having to support various versions of "Orifice", very capable programs for sure, but not particularly user friendly.

I'm glad "Orifice" has FINALLY gotten a "Dark Theme" - it only took the PC industry 35+ years to realize that computer screens aren't paper and should be dark. Something known since WW 2, but ignored by industry like they've ignored or bastardized every standard they've ever touched. Like a certain virus that escaped Wuhan, white/bright backgrounds should have never escaped PARC; but they did to the pain of everybody's eyes forever afterwards!
The key is turning it into a small monthly payment that they think won't be noticeable in their overall cashflow situation. You just gotta figure out how to remotely disable someone's brake kit when they don't make the payments.

Believe it or not, that is how airlines buy brakes. It is priced per stop.