Americans are lazy (rant)


TJ Addict
Dec 29, 2019
CA to WY refugee
Why does nobody want to work anymore? Government tit? Now that the title has got your attention let me inform you that I am not trying to make generalizations. But it seems like we do, indeed, have a good majority of several generations that would rather sit on their ass and collect Covid hardship rather than actually work. Shame on our Government for not being more discriminatory. As if that is a bad word.....

I work in the building industry. (red pen side) The price of everything has skyrocketed. Trickles down from Covid, they say. Really? Trickles down from lazy fucking bums.

Example: Good plumbing PVC needs a a specific resin to make and that resin can't be made in the US due to EPA regulations. Why has PVC gone through the roof? There are several cargo containers sitting in the Gulf right now full of this resin but nobody to unload them. The raw materials are there. No workers to unload, to build, to install.

Sheet rock, installers, painters, finishers, framers, truss builders, concrete guys, HVAC parts, appliances, monolithic slab guys, raised foundation layers, electricians, gas installers, roofers, mechanical guys, windows, all in shortage due mostly to the lack of laborers. We CAN produce enough for the demand in this country but we've depended on overseas markets for so long that we can't do it here, or won't do it here. And don't get me started on Union bums. This shit goes from stage one all the way down the line and that's why a house that cost 80k to build ten years ago costs 300k to build now. That's if you can even get on the wait list for materials.

I know a host of tradesmen that absolutely can not find good people that want to work. We've raised a generation of lazy bums. Get dirty; says Mike Rowe. A trade can earn you a very good living. If only we had people to work them. We are acting fucking weak now and we need to change that.

What are your kids doing right now? If mine were old enough to be working they would be. Instead they are working toward something. Do we have generations of little parental values, maybe? I don't know.

The above is one sentence away from being a manifesto; I know. Don't worry. No thinning the heard or eugenics speeches from me. Just that it's a bit frustrating to see the state of things and so many people unwilling to lift a finger to change it. Rant complete. :)
About 10 years ago coaching little league, the neighboring town’s coach was a plumber. We were chatting and he said he’d come over Sunday morning and put a faucet in the kitchen for me. (I could have done this myself but he offered!)
Sunday rolls around and he comes out by himself. Where’s your kid I asked, “he’s in bed, I want him to have a better life then me”

I told him that I figured 1/2 the reason he was coming out was so the boys could toss a ball around. But your kid can be a lawyer or whatever and still learn how to fix a toilet and a faucet. You’re fucking up by not getting your kid out of bed and teaching him what you know!

Very proud of my kids, daughter worked at a vet and the zoo during undergrad and has one year of vet school left. My son since he was 14 would get calls to come help “do a few things” and end up staying for a month. He went to help a seed dealer with deliveries and scouting, “just need him a couple days a week”. First week he put in 80 hours. I asked the fellow how my son was doing, “well he’s a hell of lot more capable than anyone I’ve ever hired”.

Successful graduates from Greg’s Gulag!
Lazy and effete. I had people express surprise - almost to the level of being shocked - that I could change a motor out in a bathroom fan. REALLY?

Of course, sourcing a new motor these days is 4/5ths the problem, Blowes et al don't carry replacement fan motors, just the entire fan. Used to be able to get them all day long at the local hardware store.

Even worst was the guy who was surprised that I could change a flat tire...

I put much of it down to the "Smartphone effect".
I aint gonna say nothing.

I am a fat lazy bastard.
Why does nobody want to work anymore? Government tit? Now that the title has got your attention let me inform you that I am not trying to make generalizations. But it seems like we do, indeed, have a good majority of several generations that would rather sit on their ass and collect Covid hardship rather than actually work. Shame on our Government for not being more discriminatory. As if that is a bad word.....

I work in the building industry. (red pen side) The price of everything has skyrocketed. Trickles down from Covid, they say. Really? Trickles down from lazy fucking bums.

Example: Good plumbing PVC needs a a specific resin to make and that resin can't be made in the US due to EPA regulations. Why has PVC gone through the roof? There are several cargo containers sitting in the Gulf right now full of this resin but nobody to unload them. The raw materials are there. No workers to unload, to build, to install.

Sheet rock, installers, painters, finishers, framers, truss builders, concrete guys, HVAC parts, appliances, monolithic slab guys, raised foundation layers, electricians, gas installers, roofers, mechanical guys, windows, all in shortage due mostly to the lack of laborers. We CAN produce enough for the demand in this country but we've depended on overseas markets for so long that we can't do it here, or won't do it here. And don't get me started on Union bums. This shit goes from stage one all the way down the line and that's why a house that cost 80k to build ten years ago costs 300k to build now. That's if you can even get on the wait list for materials.

I know a host of tradesmen that absolutely can not find good people that want to work. We've raised a generation of lazy bums. Get dirty; says Mike Rowe. A trade can earn you a very good living. If only we had people to work them. We are acting fucking weak now and we need to change that.

What are your kids doing right now? If mine were old enough to be working they would be. Instead they are working toward something. Do we have generations of little parental values, maybe? I don't know.

The above is one sentence away from being a manifesto; I know. Don't worry. No thinning the heard or eugenics speeches from me. Just that it's a bit frustrating to see the state of things and so many people unwilling to lift a finger to change it. Rant complete. :)
My nearly year long mantra about all this shit is the Covid bullshit has finally allowed people to be who they are. Think about that a minute.
I've hired several people in the last year and it hasn't been easy. Minimal applicants and minimally qualified interviewees. Well paying jobs too.

I've also found that many undervalue themselves which works for hiring but I'd like to see people be more confident and ask for more.
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When I was a young man I worked building homes. I learned to do concrete, roofing, framing and finish work. We built them from the ground up. It was hard work but I loved it. Most of my friends did the same. All the trades today are mostly done by our friends from south of the border because the Kids now a days don’t want to do this type of work. I have 3 sons and they all have good jobs hopefully because I made them work hard when they were young. I am proud of all of them for getting out there and getting well paying jobs and being self sufficient.
My nearly year long mantra about all this shit is the Covid bullshit has finally allowed people to be who they are. Think about that a minute.

Personal income SPIKED with covid "relief." Most people only work because they need the money.

Most animals won't hunt unless they're hungry. Many Americans aren't hungry anymore, so given the opportunity to not work they take it.

Don't worry, in a few years we'll get another Great Depression and there will be a whole lot of Attitude Adjustment going around
Why does nobody want to work anymore? Government tit? Now that the title has got your attention let me inform you that I am not trying to make generalizations. But it seems like we do, indeed, have a good majority of several generations that would rather sit on their ass and collect Covid hardship rather than actually work. Shame on our Government for not being more discriminatory. As if that is a bad word.....

I work in the building industry. (red pen side) The price of everything has skyrocketed. Trickles down from Covid, they say. Really? Trickles down from lazy fucking bums.

Example: Good plumbing PVC needs a a specific resin to make and that resin can't be made in the US due to EPA regulations. Why has PVC gone through the roof? There are several cargo containers sitting in the Gulf right now full of this resin but nobody to unload them. The raw materials are there. No workers to unload, to build, to install.

Sheet rock, installers, painters, finishers, framers, truss builders, concrete guys, HVAC parts, appliances, monolithic slab guys, raised foundation layers, electricians, gas installers, roofers, mechanical guys, windows, all in shortage due mostly to the lack of laborers. We CAN produce enough for the demand in this country but we've depended on overseas markets for so long that we can't do it here, or won't do it here. And don't get me started on Union bums. This shit goes from stage one all the way down the line and that's why a house that cost 80k to build ten years ago costs 300k to build now. That's if you can even get on the wait list for materials.

I know a host of tradesmen that absolutely can not find good people that want to work. We've raised a generation of lazy bums. Get dirty; says Mike Rowe. A trade can earn you a very good living. If only we had people to work them. We are acting fucking weak now and we need to change that.

What are your kids doing right now? If mine were old enough to be working they would be. Instead they are working toward something. Do we have generations of little parental values, maybe? I don't know.

The above is one sentence away from being a manifesto; I know. Don't worry. No thinning the heard or eugenics speeches from me. Just that it's a bit frustrating to see the state of things and so many people unwilling to lift a finger to change it. Rant complete. :)
Yes, yes, yes!

I wouldn't mind the manifesto on lazy asses due to crappy parents who are as lazy as hell and living on government tit. I think yo do know. I know everyone is hiring in Spokane, WA. YOu can make $14/hr easy almost anywhere. My daughter is 17 and she went to work 2 months ago at $14/hr. My twin boys can't drive yet, so they put out small laminated flyers all over the neighborhood and within the first day had jobs lining up for packing people who are moving, mowing yards, painting fences, assembling patio furniture, all kinds of odd jobs, and they work hard and the neighbors of the people they worked for found out and they started calling them because no one else is willing to do any work. They're making anywhere from $15-25/hr each.
My nearly year long mantra about all this shit is the Covid bullshit has finally allowed people to be who they are. Think about that a minute.
I knew people were basically crap; last year more than confirmed it.

My wife and I constantly discussed whether we are OCD perfectionists or not, and if we're overdoing it when it comes to insisting on cleaning, really cleaning, taking care of stuff, et. al. and now we're to the point that we've concluded that we're not OCD perfectionists at all, we just know how shit ought to get done and everyone else is lazy as hell. They bitch and moan that we are taking it too far. The truth is we make them look bad and they don't like it. That's their fault, not ours.
it's funny because about 20yrs ago i was talking to my mother, saying whats going to happen when nobody is working (at the time i thought robots would take most jobs) but anyway we were discussing what would happen and if nobody is working who will pay taxes ? who is going to feed us ? And most important who is going to tell us what to do with nobody running for gov't offices ! :eek::eek::eek: i bet there wont be 1 swinging dick left in Washington DC after the fucking democrats are done giving everything away and no money is coming in ! it's funny because were going to need robots to bring us food because all we know is cell phones and video games, but who's going to fix the robots when they break..... this world is fucked, luckily i'll be dead and gone by then, but that day is coming fast. your kids or grand kids will see it !
I guess I'm in the minority because I need to work..I cant ever be a lazy pos that sits on the couch. If I make less money working I really dont care its worth it for my mental health...I need structure and a schedule or I go nuts..I cant say if it's a generation thing or how I was raised but I'm 45 and my parents worked their asses off
Personal income SPIKED with covid "relief." Most people only work because they need the money.
That is only a miniscule part of the issue. Everything in the supply chain is affected by sloth, lack of motivation, low output per person, and just general "I don't give a fuck". Folks have gone back to being the pieces of shit they are instead of the one that used to show up because it mattered.
Successful graduates from Greg’s Gulag!
Lol. My kids joke that "when dad gets home, fun stops", even though my wife & I are on the same page (she's just with them all day, so they get fun time with her).

We had some friends over for dinner recently & they couldn't believe that my 6 & 8 year old got up from the table, cleared the dishes, grabbed brooms, & went to work cleaning while we sat & finished our wine. Told em if we're making sacrifices to raise kids we might as well find ways to make it pay off in the interim. We've explained to them more than once that they live here for free & can have everything of theirs taken away if they don't pitch in. It only came to that a handful of times before they got it.

Based on how all their friends behave I think they're going to kick all their asses when they go out into the real world.
I can't help but point out that in the giant long Covid thread about a year ago I said that due to supply chains being down and nobody working, America is going to get a taste of what it's like to be more like a third world country. I got a lot of hate for that post. Screw all of you who hated that post.