An Opportunity to Truly Help


Master Thread Derailer
Supporting Member
Oct 25, 2017
Everett, Wash, United States
Hey there, folks…

I think it’s safe to say that Life is anything but predictable. Just when we think we’re getting things figured out and making some serious headway, along comes the unexpected to knock us down. Sometimes we can manage on our own, and we pick ourselves back up and resume the fight. Sometimes, however, we could use a little help. And that is what we have here…someone who could use a little assistance getting that forward momentum going again.

If you’re reading this, then you’re a member of this little group of fans of the Jeep TJ. There are other forums out there that have touched on and even delved into the TJ, but none have been quite as successful at truly building a sense of community as has this forum. And all that originated with the individual who created this space that we’ve all come to know and appreciate. We’ve all sought assistance in one form or another here, and now its founder could use some assistance, himself. I don’t even have to mention his name, as we all know who we have to thank for this.

Many of us have gone through the pains of divorce, and can easily identify with the expense it brings upon an individual. Sometimes the upheaval can disrupt the most basic of needs, like transportation. As many of you know, the forum’s founder is going through a particularly rough divorce, and finds himself in need of some assistance in acquiring some basic transportation that can accommodate him and his very young children. While he would not ask for any assistance himself, there are a few on here that have sought to offer up some help. @reddvltj, who resides in beautiful central Idaho, has graciously donated a vehicle to the cause. At this time, however, the car is in need of some repair. Once repaired, the car will need to be transported across three states. @Wildman has agreed to drive out with his truck and trailer, and to pick it up and deliver it. As TJ owners, we all know that to do anything with a vehicle, be it a TJ or a Toyota Camry, costs money. What we’re hoping to do here is raise some money to get the vehicle repaired and transported south. We’re trying to come up with money to cover parts and labor, as well as transportation costs (fuel, etc.). Any other monies donated would be used at his discretion, as we know the costs never really end (or at least, never seem to…) in a divorce. And on a side note, there will be a thread documenting the progress of the repairs and the delivery of the vehicle to its new owner, so you can follow along as it happens.

As a fairly early member to this forum, I’ve read countless times where people have commented on what a great resource this place has been to them. In so many ways, so much has been given. Now is a chance for us to give back to the individual that created this resource that we all enjoy so much. If this is something that you feel compelled to do, we will provide you with a way to make your donation to our fellow forum member. Please consider helping out, if you can.

If you would like to donate, we're going to be using Venmo.
Donations can be made to: Wildman-463

For those who want to donate using PayPal my email address is: [email protected]

If you would like to contribute, but you don't have or use Venmo, please message @Wildman or @reddvltj directly to discuss alternate ways you can help.

Thank you all!
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Thank you for this @Squatch , hopefully we can get this done for Chris sooner rather than later. As Squatch said, @Wildman and I will do our best to keep everyone updated as things progress in another thread.

Just to start off here's a couple pics of the vehicle being donated. Its a 2003 Camry with a 2.4l so if we have any Toyota gurus near central Idaho that might be willing to turn a wrench that would be helpful too.


To answer the two questions I'm sure will pop up.

1) Our goal is around $4K total to get the car fixed and then the cost to transport it to AZ and back.

2) We went with Venmo because of PayPal charging fees now. If Venmo is a issue contact me and we'll work something else out.

Beat me to it for once. I was gunna post pictures of the car.

Once the work on the car starts we will start another thread and post pictures of the repairs and then my trip to sunny AZ and a smiling Chris as we deliver the car.
To answer the two questions I'm sure will pop up.

1) Our goal is around $4K total to get the car fixed and then the cost to transport it to AZ and back.

2) We went with Venmo because of PayPal charging fees now. If Venmo is a issue contact me and we'll work something else out.

Beat me to it for once. I was gunna post pictures of the car.
Even a blind squirrel finds a nut once in a while!! :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
And before anyone else drools all over the 57 Chevy or Flatty they are already spoken for. And anyone who has a water buffalo parked on their property is GOOD in my book.
I always thought it would be fun to turn a water Buffalo into a mobile keg. LOL
Did not realize Black Lives Matter has land (BLM)...I also was looking for an actual water buffalo in the background!:LOL:

Damn we really derailed this thread and @Squatch didn't even help.

US former military folk know a water buffalo from 500M away if not farther. Most of the time the water in one either gave you the runs or tasted like CRAP because of how it had been treated.

Yep out west BLM has a totally different meaning than it does back east.