Another moving to Ontario Canada thread, importing the Jeep


TJ Enthusiast
Feb 4, 2017
Waterloo, ON Canada
I have been reading all I can find about the process of exporting the Jeep from the US and then importing the Jeep into Canada, we are leaving California, my wife is Canadian and wants to return to Canada to help out her aging parents. I’m still nervous about a few things. I want to bring my 2003 TJ and my wife’s 2015 JK.
I talked to a person in the RIV department and she sent me to the site showing my 15 plus year old vehicle is exempt when it comes to my lift (I don’t have to go through the RIV process with my TJ as I understand it). However, other things I found as requirements are listed below.
This is the list I found we need at the border.
  • Original Certificate of Title from the seller
  • Bill of Sale from the seller which should show your name, Canadian address, telephone number and the amount paid for the vehicle.
  • Your Certificate of insurance
  • Recall clearance letter
I also found you need an owners manual in English and French I believe the same for warning labels. I think this is RIV.
Do I need owners manuals in English and French for both Jeeps? My wife has a JK that we are bringing. Mine is so old I couldn’t get a manual in any language at this point. As well as warning labels.

Do DRL get checked at the border? Can I fix these Jeeps when they get to Canada or will the border people look? I bought an aftermarket module for the TJ and I read as I get closer to the border, Jeep dealers are more open to making the change on the computer to activate them on the JK.

Do we have to have Canadian insurance when we cross the border or if ours cover us, are we ok to show our proof of insurance card at the border and then insure when we get to Canada?

Is the pink slip with my name and our marriage certificate good enough for my Jeep? I’m the only one showing on the pink slip, if for some reason my wife had to do this without me, would it work? She kept her last name, so we carry our marriage certificate for such things.

If my wife doesn’t get her pink in time, what can we use for proof at the border that we outright own her Jeep? We are paying it off when we sell the house. But, we will probably not get the pink slip in time.

Do we need the contracts from when we bought these Jeep’s? We’ve had them both for 5 years. So, it’s not like we slipped across the border to buy in the US to avoid Canadian taxes. I would assume that although it talks about a Canadian address that wouldn’t apply since we lived in California.

The recall clearance verification. Will Jeep provide those at a dealership for both vehicles? I looked them up online and found none. But, for me the official Mopar site wouldn’t work and I ended up using some other site I found.

I’ve read where some say it’s cheaper or easier to sell our vehicles and then purchase again in Canada. But, since we own these things and I’m retiring, it seems better to avoid a payment for new cars on top of buying a new home and the move.

I‘m hoping someone here has been through this and can help answer some of the questions. I’m sure I’ll have more. With COVID, I may be rejected at the border even though I’m married to a Canadian citizen. But, I hope she can get across with the moving truck and our household.

Sorry for the long post.
I would (on your next normal visit) find someone with a bit of experience in these things. Perhaps one of those 'Buy there/Pay there' places could either clearly explain it or perhaps for a small fee even do the transfer stuff for you.
Does your Mother-in-law have any friends that might know about this process? There must be 4x4 clubs up there. Or even Ex-Pat forums. Hit the old Google and try and make contact with people who could help. I've always found that the actual letter of the law is often not strictly enforced the same way in different locations. So a 'Border Crossing' for your Jeep might be different depending upon which location does the paperwork. Hope this might help a bit.
I’m working on finding what I can. We are here now. We have another 5 days until our 14 day quarantine is over. I have made a few calls, but there is nothing like the knowledge of someone who has been through the process. I haven’t tried 4x4 clubs or Ex-pat forums, both good ideas.