The trucker in me says "Hell No!"
Of course you probably shouldn't have have a heavy haul rig with multiple Jeeps and a pusher in town......

The trucker in me says "Hell No!"
Totally hell no on highways ! , however these damn things beat stop signs on one street and nothing on the other at an intersection , AS LONG AS the circle is only ONE lane wide.
I'll take them any day over 4 way traffic lights.
I love sundresses!
So now we've got two members who wear dresses?
I like a sundress ON a nice lady.
Hell no, especially not on state highways!!! Washigton state has lost their damn minds with these stupid things!!
Edit: Idaho is starting to do it too... It has made traffic worse every where they put them because people lack the common sense and/or curtesy to use them the way they are supposed to be used.
Hell I don't know..... that sounds pretty reasonable compared to the other dangers presented by wearers of sundresses these days...
Always follow the teachings of Mick Dundee!!!