Anybody up for a random meme dump?

2A = 2nd amendment
"In modern American usage "hawk" refers to a fierce advocate for a cause or policy, such as "deficit hawk" or "privacy hawk".

Intentional misinterpretation. I know you're just thinking about some chick spitting on that thang

went right over my head! I am not a gun person......don't read that as anti gun, I just don't trust myself not to blow some fucker away and get charged, especially here in NY (Commiefornia #2)
went right over my head! I am not a gun person......don't read that as anti gun, I just don't trust myself not to blow some fucker away and get charged, especially here in NY (Commiefornia #2)

Just find and make friends with a some what close farmer/rancher who has hogs... or 1000s of acres and a backhoe...
Hogs would be better...