Brake bleeding—Did I empty the master?

If your reservoir's empty, it's likely the master cylinder needs topping up too, even after using 18 oz of fluid. Follow the "open screw, pedal down hard, close screw, release pedal, repeat" method at each corner until fresh fluid comes out. ABS systems can be quirky but should manage; just follow any specific instructions. Using the right fluid type is crucial to avoid issues; if flushing, stick with what's recommended.
my brake light was tripping each time I’d open the screw and let fluid out, and i’d have to reset it, is that normal?

Yes, no. As I mentioned in your other thread, at some point Jeep changed the spring pressure or the detent depth which allows the shuttle to move easier. Some of them shift at each pedal pump, some never do. Now we just use a lock out tool and don't worry about it.
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