Free Associating Again...


TJ Enthusiast
Nov 15, 2016
Albuquerque, NM
Saw this license plate on the car in front of me at Macky Burger. My brain immediately supplied the thought: "If at first you don't succeed…" I have got to stop listening to myself.
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Maybe just a standard issue tag, and someone got lucky?

Well, thinking logically (which I generally make every effort to avoid doing), there are likely to be another 998 plates in this series. In NM they are usually grouped by geographical areas, so I might be seeing more in the future.
Well, thinking logically (which I generally make every effort to avoid doing), there are likely to be another 998 plates in this series. In NM they are usually grouped by geographical areas, so I might be seeing more in the future.

I was thinking a standard plate, because it would be unusual for someone to put 002 TRY, for a personalized plate, instead of just 2 TRY.
..... and so Neal, sorry they put words into your mouth.
Back into my original question; What's up with your title "free associating again" for?
..... and so Neal, sorry they put words into your mouth.
Back into my original question; What's up with your title "free associating again" for?
It's what I do - connecting something I see with something I remember. I see patterns in everything and my brain just pulls up a random memory and associates it with what I am currently looking at. More often than not it is something that only makes sense to me - I have a whole bunch of extremely obscure (and often highly inappropriate) stuff crammed into my head.