How do you clean your Jeep?

I actually did but I called it a soap gun on @jeep_boss's paint thread.

I always start my wash with a pressure washer and then a foam gun and then a rinse. Then I hand wash and hand dry, then wax with Maguires paste wax and, aerospace 301 on the black parts. It is quite the adventure, but looks good when finishedView attachment 40160

My paint has too many scratches to go thru that much trouble. I might do that one a year, maybe.
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Dawn for dishes diluted in spray bottle, wait for rain, drive...

I would like to mention that using Dawn is great - but it completely removes any wax you've put on.

It's a great way to remove any contaminants and the like (followed by a nice claying) but only using Dawn leaves your paint very exposed to the elements.
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Got into claying last year. What a difference that made to the feel of the paint and look.

Wash, clay, rinse off everything again. Then if never done - do a compound, polish and wax. Should last you a season. If you drive year round you can probably get away with just a clay, maybe a polish but a wax again before winter and your set.

Takes a bit of coin and time to get into but it depends if your the car wash type of guy or DIY in the driveway kind and how much you care about your cars.
I go to a car wash, spray it with soap and then rinse, never touch it with a brush. A few days ago I put in a few bucks more than I needed to and gave it a luxurious spray wax :)
Personally I think a little dirt separates those that actually off road from the mall crawlers.
Basic car wash soap, a bucket, a sponge, and a brush for all the painted stuff.

Every winter, I bury it in mountain snow to clean the undercarriage.
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Car wash, or if at home a wash and wax product. Have not waxed it yet. I use a product the detail supply guy sells by Malco called rejuvenator on the hard top. Brings the color back for about a year. The paint is about a 5 so I don't get carried away. On the hottest weekend of the summer I park it in the pasture and crawl underneath with the pressure washer wand. very refreshing.

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I have a foam gun that sees use on my Challenger... (I forget the soap I use, but it smells like bubble gum and foams like mad). But since my Jeep's paint has a lot of "character"...

If the top is down and I don't want to put it up.... Use hose on "shower" mode to wet it down
Bucket with grit guard and microfiber wash mitt to wash the parts that can get wet...
Rinse well
Assorted wheel brushes to get the wheels clean
Rinse again
Dry with microfiber waffle weave towels...
Wipe the interior with the damp drying towel
Vacuum the interior with handheld
Wipe down the interior plastics with McGuire's interior detailer (low shine)
Every 3 months or so I also:
Apply a coat of Black Diamond polish to the exterior paint (a synthetic..)
Apply a coat of Black Diamond paint protectant and shine

I have not actually washed my soft top yet because when I got the Jeep a couple months ago it had a NEW Smittybilt top on it that I knew was going to have to go. A week into ownership a Taradactyle (sp?) must have unloaded on my Jeep because the entire top and side of my Jeep was completely covered in it (not white bird poop, this stuff was brown and smelled awful!!). I rinsed off the top...then scrubbed it some the next week, but can't get that nasty stuff off...
Oh well
In the process of installing a new Twill Top...

How do you folks with the Twill soft tops clean them? Just use your wash mitt? Will a scrub brush damage it?